ClickFunnels Dashboard | How To Use The ClickFunnels Dashboard

Navigating your way around the ClickFunnels Dashboard is quite simple.

Just ClickFunnels has a super easy editor with a drag and drop features the dashboard is kept to the bare minimum of what you need to operate your business.

You will find that there are really only 1-3 tabs on the dashboard you will use on a daily basis.

  • Funnels
  • Sales
  • Build A Funnel

And if you are an affiliate you will use the affiliate tab on the ClickFunnels Dashboard.

I love how ClickFunnels Dashboard gives you a “Drones Eye View” of all your funnels opt-ins, sales, and page views. And if your an affiliate you can see your daily earnings and past 30 day earnings right on the main dashboard.

ClickFunnels Dashboard

Closed Caption Video Transcript Available:

hey guys how you doing in this video I’m
gonna talk to you about the clickfunnels

dashboard my name is drew doll boring
and thanks for watching so this is my

dashboard now it looks pretty empty in
the middle because in the middle of the

dashboard is kind of where they put
updates hey what’s going on here’s

what’s new and after I’ve seen them for
a while I just I you have the

opportunity to XM out so I that’s why
you don’t see much here in the middle

but let me go through the dashboard
pretty quick it’s really straightforward

guys you’re only gonna use a handful of
stuff on here depending on the package

you have but I’ll start from the top and
go over so the click funnels button this

is where you’re gonna have all your
existing funnels that you’ve built

you’re gonna have a list of all your
contacts which is really cool so you

have kind of like I love the contacts
feature because it’s almost like a

backup so if you forgot to hook up your
autoresponder it’s not the end of the

world because you still get all your
contacts and click funnels and then you

can just download those and upload them
back into your autoresponder or yours

and put them into your automation or
something like that but you can easily

integrate your autoresponder it has all
your sales funnel marketplace this is

where you can buy funnels that people
build and you can also get lots of free

funnels and then here is a button just
simply click and you will build a new

funnel action etic so if you’re an
action Attucks user this is takes you to

the action etics feature i’m not an
action it’s user so it might say

something like okay yeah so it’s asking
me to upgrade but if I wanted to I could

but action X is is fantastic you get
unlimited funnels pages emails members

affiliates and more it’s a super
sophisticated automation autoresponder

so for 297 a month it’s a great deal
because if you wanted to package all

this stuff together you’d be paying I
think I’d priced it out close to 500 a

month so just within click funnels you
can get this for about $300 the backpack

software this is if you have a product
that you sell or service you sell and

you want to have affiliates you would
also want the backpack so you would

actually you get action ax and backpack
for the same price but

this is let’s say you have a product you
sell and you want to include affiliates

you would have the backpack program so
this is your affiliate dashboard this is

awesome it’s super simple you just send
people a link you set the percentage you

want to split with them and they can
promote your product okay help obviously

pretty self-explanatory you have your
Doc’s get help what’s new what’s going

on this is really cool here they send
out a lot of alerts which is great

because they tell you all the upgrades
they’ve made if they made changes they

also tell you you know about
opportunities to do beta testing and

then under your profile pic this is
going to have your account details this

is your integrations where you can
integrate all your other third-party

software your webinar software your
autoresponders domains this is where you

would add your domains digital assets so
if you want to upload PDFs ebooks and

include them in your funnels or the
emails you send out you can do that as

well my templates so these are funnels
that you’ve built and then you’ve saved

them as a template because you want to
reuse them on other funnels SMTP

settings I won’t go into detail that but
you know when you need to address some

TP settings you do it there unsubscribes
your payment gateways this is where you

add stripe and PayPal again super easy
guys this is all click of a button stuff

and this is just your billing
information this is the affiliates

dashboard I’ll show you that in a second
so this is if you are you automatically

become an affiliate when you sign up for
click funnels so when you start

promoting click funnels stuff you’ll be
in this tab a lot because you want to

see what’s going on
managers other people on your site

notifications and of course sign out so
let me go back to the main dashboard

again now I don’t have too much
happening here I have one funnel running

for a client which is actually not doing
so great I need to pick it up here as

you can see but it’s this is a good
thing to point out is it’s giving me a

snapshot of ok I’ve been down 28% I’ve
only had five opt-ins so I need to tweak

this funnel big-time
and it’s not a sales funnel we’re just

collecting leads but if we were if we
were making you know if we had an upsell

or down so we were selling a product it
would show me how much money we’ve made

on that here I can simply grab a new
funnel but it just gives you a quick

snapshot of whatever current funnel you
have and you can select between all your

different funnels and you can set one as
your priority funnel this is just

showing me how many contacts I have
obviously I have unlimited contacts I do

get only a hundred twenty thousand
visitors so depending on how big your

organization is I’m a one-man show you’d
probably upgrade to the full suite pages

57 out of a hundred again if you’re an
agency and you’re building a lot of

funnels you’re definitely gonna want to
want the full suite and then I have 15

of 20 funnels but the good thing is is
if I get to my 20 max I can archive the

ones I’m not using and open up some free
space so now I’m also an affiliate for

them so I get a snapshot of my affiliate
earnings here and then if I were to

click on the affiliate button that would
take me to my affiliate dashboard and

then I have the option to upgrade here
quick buttons here’s some quick links

because the 14-day trial is obviously
one link that I use all the time so if I

wanted to just copy it real quick I
could that’s an automatically has my

affiliate link the click funnel
headaches webinar is a big one so I

might just do a quick link there but
that’s it in a nutshell guys it’s super

easy super user-friendly if you can send
a text guys you can use click funnels

dashboard alright please like comment
and share I appreciate it I’ll also put

a link below guys for you to get a free
14-day trial to click funnels I am an

affiliate for click funnels so I do
appreciate it if you do purchase through

my link helps me keep my channel going
and helps keeps the keeps the little

ones fed so please like subscribe and
have a great day

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