So you want to learn how to make money with ClickFunnels?
There are 100’s of ways to make money with this tool. The key is to be creative and think outside the box.
First, you need to start using the software and get involved in the community.
There are 2 groups on Facebook;
ClickFunnels Offical This is for entrepreneurs, business owners and anyone using the tool to get started building sales funnels and growing their business.
ClickFunnels Avengers is for affiliate marketers and those promoting the software.
3 Tips On How To Make Money With ClickFunnels
First off you don’t need to be a pro but you do need to have an interest and be an active user to do well as an affiliate marketer
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- Create a YouTube Channel reviewing and demoing the software. In the description, you can add your affiliate links. You need to get creative here and think of all the different industries ClickFunnels can be used in.
BONUS TIP: Search for longtail keywords in YouTube for ideas - Create an Authority Blog: Before you say “I hate writing and I can’t write” you don’t need to be a good writer. In fact, It’s better to just write like you if you were talking to friends. This blog isnt winning any awards trust me…
Like your YouTube channel, you place ClickFunnels affiliate links in your article.
BONUS TIP: You can transcribe your videos from YouTube and turn those into articles. I use - Create a FREE Training: Create free training that requires ClickFunnels. For example; I have a free affiliate marketing training where I teach the basics. In the training I am using ClickFunnels and I recommend the tool to them.
Good luck and I would highly recommend getting in those FB groups to see what others are doing.
Lot’s of great people willing to help!
Video Transcript: How to make money with ClickFunnels
hellothis video I'm gonna show you how tomake money with click funnels now thereare a ton of different ways foraffiliates to make money with clickfunnels and you don't have tonecessarily be an affiliate let me takea step back what I mean by that is thereare a lot of us who are affiliates andwe're full-time affiliates promotingclick funnels and maybe other productsand click funnels tends to be our coreproduct you can still package clickfunnels into say a product or courseyou're selling and collect the affiliatecommissions I hope that makes sense sowhat I mean by that is maybe you'reteaching a course on you know Facebookads and within that course you rec alsorecommend the tool click funnels tobuild landing pages for your Facebookads so you're making money off thecourse but you're also making money asan affiliate I hope that makes senseso what I want to share with you are mytop 3 ways how I'm making money rightnow and I just started playing with theaffiliate program about six months agoand its really starting to take off themore work I put into it now one of themain ways obviously people are makingmoney is now this is your affiliatedashboard so if you're I'm not gonna goover all this assuming your your withclick funnels now or if you're not youyou would get access to this it's it'spretty simple to get to you just go to acotillion dashboards so you have tons ofdifferent products you can promote rightnow most people with click funnels whoare doing affiliate marketing with clickfunnels or maybe their packaging clickphones with a course they're startinghere in the main area and this isobviously the the go to click funnels[Music]software so this is your if you go hereyou go to get affiliate tools this isgoing to be the program that I'm usingright now for click funnels and mostpeople are it's $97 a month as anaffiliate you get 40 percent which isaround $38 and that's reoccurringrevenue so you get that every singlemonth that somebody is a member which isreally cool and that adds up veryquickly if they're on the new what's nowcalled the platinum plan orused to be the Edison suite is 297 amonth so you make around 118 a month forthat so it's a great great program andcan be very very lucrative now one ofthe best ways to promote this is youhave all these different options forLakes okay you can do click funnelstrial page which is going to take themto a bigger page like this you have theshort trial page which is simply goingto say you know start your trial now andthen you also have all these differentthese are life cob testimonials or casestudies so you have agency freelancerinfo products e-commerce coachingconsulting network marketing and so onso each of these if you send them tothis link so maybe you're promoting twoagency freelancers or info products youwould use this as your link and you justsimply copy it alright and I'll show youwhat this looks like and this is how Iwould promote it I go up here I'm justshowing you what this page looks like sowhat it's doing is it's creating a casestudy so you can actually target peoplewho are specific to this so this isJulie Stein who is an agency freelancerand and is it click funnels I believeshe's a click funnels employee now soyou can send this to people and they canget the case study and the cool thing isonce they put in their email they arenow cookie to you so if they get thefree information the case study but endup buying later you get paid so you cancreate content around agency andfreelancers you can create a blog aroundagency freelancers using click funnelsyou can create YouTube videos the listgoes on and on whatever you do you haveto provide value so for me I have a blogand I use the click funnels trial and Ido a lot of reviews on click funnelslanding pages things like that I alsohave a youtube let me come back to thisI also have a YouTube channel and what Ido is I make videos so I make videospromoting click funnels and if you justgo in here you'll see a bunch of clickfunnels videos and these are allaffiliatesKevin David no Kevin David this is aperfect example of what I've talkedabout Kevin David is you know a big namewith internet marketing he does a lot ofAmazon stuff and teaches people how tomake courses so he obviously this twohundred six thousand views so he's madea video talking about how to make moneywith click funnels and then he whathe'll do is if I'm right he'll have alink in his so he'll talk about how touse this with probably one of hiscourses or one of his programs and thenif you scroll down here look he'll havelinks you can try click funnels for freeyou can join his Facebook group and ifyou click on this and you get clickfunnels then Kevin will get a percent ofthat and then he also has a course soyou can go through his free course andthen try it and then if you end upsigning up you get it and I offered thesame kind of things and then he also hashis courses that he sells and withinthose courses he recommends clickfunnels as a tool to use right makessense so this is one of the mosteffective ways right now is YouTube andblogs using SEO Google owns YouTube sothere's a two biggest search engines outthere so those are the two top ways Iwould promote would be through a blogand through YouTube and you find a nichethat is something you're familiar withyou can be an accountant you can be asmall business owner you could be acoach or freelance or a gym ownereveryone needs to click leads everybodyneeds our customers everybody wants tomake more money click funnels is thetool to do that so you create contentaround that and you you put value outthere and if you're consistent with itit'll start to pay off now lastly is thethis is something I've been tinkeringwith lately is if you go to up work andyou just type in click funnels there'sall these click funnels jobs now I'vebeen a click funnels user for about 4years so I feel pretty confident that Ican handle all these jobs for the mostpart I know how to build funnels I'vebuilt hundreds of funnels for myself andfor clients so I'd only recommend thisif you have been using click funnels fora little bit and you're very comfortablebuilding funnels for people dealing withsome basic coding issues connectingemails that sort of thing but this is agreat way I mean some of these jobyou know these are like per our 35 to 65they might be smaller like just a hunt150 it might be something simple likehey can you connect my activecampaignaccount and that would take you aboutfive minutes and they'll pay 150 bucksfor it and then you have jobs like heywe're looking for somebody 10 to 30hours a week for a real estate agent sothey want you to build funnels for areal estate agent right they want tosell more homes and rentals this isanother huge market you create contentaround real estate okay so those are mythree main ways guys to promote I woulduse YouTube blog and upwork if you wantto make some quick cash and then youjust need to go through the affiliateprogram and one thing I would highlyrecommend is you start with this bootcamp is a free boot camp and this willshow you how to do everything that Ijust talked about I'll put some linksbelow for you guys to check it outthanks so much for watching and goodluck to you