Now, before anyone freaks out. This new pricing is an amazing deal!
Funnel Scripts use to be on a yearly plan and cost $497 PER YEAR. I don’t know about you but thats a lot of money.
The NEW Funnel Scripts Pricing
ClickFunnels and Jim Edwards recently changed the Funnel Scripts pricing to a ONE TIME fee. If you ask me this is an amazing deal. In fact…I think it’s too low. And I mean that. I’d pay double for this software and still feel like I’m getting a deal.
The new one-time only price is only $797.
New scripts are being added all the time. You will save thousands of hours and dollars with this tool. I’ve been a daily user for over a year now and it’s more than paid for it’self.
If you need more detail on Funnel Scripts, watch the FREE Webclass here.
Happy copywriting!
Video Transcript: Funnel Scripts Pricing
his video I'm going to talk to youabout funnel scripts pricing so funnelscripts if you have not heard of itfunnel scripts is a copywriting softwarebasically it allows you to create youknow amazing headlines email scriptsvideo sales letters webinars Facebooklives podcasts anything you need copyfor this will do it it will write youknow every step of your funnel for youit basically what it's doing is it'sgiving you you know your hook and yourstory and you know of course these areyou know everything that's printed outare going to be ideas for you to adaptand use a lot of it you can simply copyand paste with a few tweaks here andthere but the the what you're getting inthis package is just absolutely thevalue is absolutely insane so if you runan online business or an offlinebusiness and you're struggling withwriting good copy this is for you andthere's tons and tons of great trainingin here and tons of scripts andeverything you could ever imagine andI'm gonna show you that inside clickfunnels here or sorry inside funnelscripts in one minute also if you're afunnel hacker and you're not using thisthen you're insanebut you can see here all the value youget with this so funnel scriptsunlimited meaning you're gonna getscripts if you're familiar with thebooks by Russell Brunson here and thisis Jim Edwards a copywriter so theco-creators of funnel scripts secrets is done out into a scriptso you can take all those concepts learnand dot-com secrets and write outscripts for them and use them so youdon't have to go back and try and writethem out by yourself when I first wrotemy perfect webinar it took me like aweek now with final scripts I can do aperfect webinar in less than two hourssometimes an hour depending on what I'mdoing all the experts secret scripts ifyou're new and you're doing the onefollow away Talon jits gonna write outall those scripts you get all theblueprints and roadmaps you can see thevalue you're nine hundred ninety sevendollars and that is absolutely truemonthly coaching with Jim so he doesFacebook lives copywriting secretsmasterclassthis is an amazing class and this isabsolutely worth the two thousand it'scrazy lots of detail here and you get itall for 797 guys now that is 797lifetime you will never pay again itused to be497 per year and they as of recently asthe recording of this video maybe amonth ago two months ago they changed itto a one-time price so you buy this guysand you have it forever and Jim Edwardsis constantly constantly constantlyadding new scripts to this so that isthe price guy 797 it's a one-time feeinvestment I should say and it'sabsolutely worth every penny and let meshow you why so within funnel scriptsguys if you look here on the left-handside here's all the various scripts thatyou can get right you get bullet scriptscase studies testimonials comm secretslook it'll write out your call to actionyour lead capture your magic bullet yourorder bump o tos and it gives you tonsof examples so if you look at this likeyou may think well I can do a call toaction but you're gonna get all theseyou'll get examples here so what you dois you if you're new to this you'll justclick the button and that will give yousome examples then of course you wouldedit this to your own and tweak it andthen you just click the build button andit's gonna give you all these options soyou can split test and do everything youneed right and it even gives you the youknow yes I'm ready to get more trafficno thanks you know so it gives you thethe if you're doing an upsell or downsell you have the option here but thisis great you know and this is somethingsimple but let me show you one of themore powerful things this is something Iuse every single day is to kill ourheadline scripts so when I'msplit-testing landing pages and I'veeven used these for clients if you're inthe affiliate side you can print theseout and use them as lead magnets so I'mjust gonna take the first one stockinvesting course and let me show youwith this and you'll see that you getall these questions here right you knowwhat's the name of it what's the onething that holds a solution describe thething for previous question that arrivescuriosity what is the big result I meanyou would pay someone thousands ofdollars to write theselines for you and when you click thislook you get all these headlines but youalso get headlines for hot audience warmand cold right answer your mostimportant your most burning questionsabout losing money on stocks today quickrelief for beginner investors who arelosing money on stocks and so on andthen you get a list of how to headlinesyou get you know ex ways to get what youwant headlines very quick and easyproven all this stuff and you can go uphere click results and you can print itin a just a text file or a doc and thenyou can export it to like in aspreadsheet and you can go through andtest all these out but one of the reallygreatest things here and why I thinkthis is worth its weight in gold andprobably worth 10 times the value is youget additional wizards here so look atthis these are actually like pieces ofsoftware these are software within thesoftware so you get the perfect webinarwizard and you just click here anddownload it and this will write out yourentire perfect webinar for you and it'lldownload it to a PowerPoint slide or twokeynote DSL wizard this will write yourvideo sales letters for you surveyscripts if you do interviews this worksextremely well star story solutionscript masterclass podcast and FB Livewizard so you get all these greatscripts right and you get a blueprintthat will so you can go to these variousblueprints right so call to actionscripts if I click on thatit's going to tell me exactly thescripts I need there's also theblueprint which will you can pick yourfunnel it'll take you through step bystep what you need and where you need toput each script where is that[Music]downloadable Wizards what's newall right here funnel blueprints so thisis in the bonuses so let me show youguys this this is awesome I use this alot as well so let's say I'm doing anopt-in funnel it's going to show me thesteps but then it's going to show mewhich scripts to use in each part of myfunnel so I can just click on theseit'll take me to the headline scriptlead capture script opt-in video scriptthis is amazing even tells me whichemail auto email follow-up script if youhate writing emails with the click of abutton guys and adding a little bit oftext you can write out an email sweetsequence follow-up sequence on a Bandhancard sequence you name it product salesfunnel it shows you everything there'sno more guesswork guys so that is justkind of a quick review guys I do havetons of other reviews on funnel scriptsif you check my other videos thank youso much I hope that helps again guys Iwill put a link below both to thewebinar so you can get more informationand if you'd like to purchase for just797 guys again its lifetime and you getall this amazing stuff in there plus youget all the additional softwares it is amust guys for any online marketer outthere so enjoy and thank you so muchplease like guys