I get it. Before you go “all in” you want to take it for a test drive.
Well, I got you covered!
The FREE Headline Generator is the ultimate Funnel Scripts Sample. Keep in mind this is only a sample of what you will get with the full version. But, you can still great some great headlines and ideas you can start using today.
If you need more detail on Funnel Scripts head over to my complete review and demo here.
Watch Funnel Scripts Webclass here.
Video Transcript: Ultimate Funnel Scripts Sample
to this video on funnel scripts sampleso if you're looking for a sample offunnel scripts maybe you've heard aboutit you're you're playing with the ideaand you want to get it this is the freekind of free access you can get to tryit out and I'll put a link below guysfor you to try this out so this is theheadline script generator and withinfinal scripts this is just one of manymany many scripts that you can use andthis is not the complete version hereit's about twice as long as this but theway it works is you know you'd put inyour just go through and answer thequestions right main keyword right let'ssay online business and I'm going atthis pretty fast guys main topic is youknow make money online right prettystraightforward niche here what does abig result they want I don't know let'sjust say earn passive income what is thenumber two big result they want reallywants to work from anywhereI'm not gonna worry about my spellingwhat does the pain they want to if Ireally wants to avoid see wasting timeand wait time the techie stuff afraidnobody wants to do any of that kind ofcrap what is a roadblock even if you'rebrand new right a lot of people arebrand new at what time you know I wantto I want to know I want this now righta month so again that was just a quickbut you can see here that's only goingto pump out so many headlines but that'sstill quite a bit guys for even thissample one and you'll get hundreds morewith the other one and you're gonna geta lot of different you know you'll havedifferent questions here to answer butyou get all these how to headline righthow to earn passive income withoutwasting time on the techie stuff I don'tpass of income so you can avoid wastingtime on the techie stuff now look if Idon't like that I can just simply go uphere and change this outso where did I put that right okay itreally wants to avoidlet's just say now obviously I don'tlove this but I just want to show youhow you can change it right how to is abig guy without working too hard I thinkeverybody wants that other impressiveincome in as little as 30 days how towork from anywhere in as little as 30days hundred passive income as little 30days even if you're brand new okay soyou could see here you can tweak theseand then you just simply copy it and youcan add it and then here are theselittle blue buttons you can add these uphere right to your cartto your clip in hit the clips and thenyou can download these so that's prettycool - and you can start split testingso if you go inside click funnel scriptsthis is the the actual final scriptstool here is when you go to thisheadline script here you'll see that youget quite a few more options right andthey're also going to give you all thesedifferent examples that you can kind ofplug and play so I could plug and playthis realtor one right and I'd gothrough and make changes for my marketmy niche hit the build button and thenlook at all these this is just amazingyou also get variations hot warm andcold right discover how Mary Jones therealtor gives you the exact steps tosell your home for top dollar withoutspending weeks on the market I mean thatis consenting if you're a home sellerbut you can't find a good buyer fastthen you need Mary Jones or realtor theproven real estate service home sellersyou know look at this update discoverthe home sale secret right who elsewants to sell a home for top dollar sothat is kind of a sample of the headlinegenerator which I'll put a link belowguys you can try it out for free butyou're gonna get inside here you getemail scripts I mean this alone oh godyou pay somebody thousand plus bucks todo more than that to write out one ofthese for you and you did all thesefollow-up dashboards Seinfeld script youget all the scripts from experts secretask campaign Epiphany bridge you alsoget you know you get software within thesoftware so you can download perfectwebinar wizard and it'll write out yourperfect webinar for you how cool is thatyou answer some questions and then youcan download it to keynote to PowerPointright your via sells easy survey scriptstart store solution the list goes onso that is your final script sample Ihope you enjoyed it please likesubscribe share and I'll put the linksbelow for you guys have a good one