Building your membership section in ClickFunnels only takes a few clicks. Now before I begin there is the actual “section” which you can easily edit the title and move elements around. Treat just like a funnel step only smaller.
You can still add all your text, images, videos and anything else you need.
My recommendation is to head over to the ClickFunnels market place (located in the funnel tab) and simply use a FREE pre-built membership funnel.
ClickFunnels Membership Section
When you’re in your membership funnel you can edit the “section” under the Membership Area step.
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Click on “Open Editor” for the section you would like to edit. You will see a box pop-up. As I mentioned earlier this is just like a funnel page or step. You would edit it the same.
Once you are inside this section just make your edits as you would in any other funnel.
Video Transcript: How to build membership section in ClickFunnels FAST
ello my name is Jed I'll bring and inthis video I'm going to show you how tobuild a membership section in clickfiles so if you are brand-new toclickfunnelsor even if you're if you're you knowbeen using click files for a while thisis called the clickfunnels marketplace alot of people don't know about this orthey simply don't use it now I'm goingto keep that open for a second but Iwant to show you how to get to yourclick phone's marketplace we're gonna gothere tooso you go up so I didn't even tell youguys here we go let's go back so 100click funnels dashboard you go to clickfunnels scroll down and go a funnelmarketplace now in here and then clickshop templates so when I do a membershipfunnel I like to start with a pre-builtfunnel now you can build it pretty easywithin steps but you have these funnelsand really nice photos built out for youso you can see here these are allmembership funnels they're all laid outso when it comes to putting in yoursections and adding your informationit's pretty straightforward now you canobviously buy some here you can docourses but any of these templates willwork fine this is pretty straightforwardI find this to be real good this iscalled rippln membership funnel so we'lluse this and then I'll show you how youconnect this and then you just hit gettemplate don't worry it's free login andcontinue if you did not have a collectclickfunnels account they would just askask you to prompt a trialit says confirm purchase but don't worryit's free again you just need to beclickfunnels user so use my template nowand this will pop open all the steps okand it's great because it even tell iteven shows you here right how to how toset up to set up a lead man so thismight be if you're promoting it onFacebook or wherever this would be yourlead magnet but what we want to focus onis the login and the membership area soif you actually want to build a clickfunnels section it's prettystraightforward this is the loginmembership area is where all of yoursections all of your good information isgoing to be and the way it does the waythat it works is you have all thesevarioussuctions right first section secondsection and so forth all you need to dois simply open up the editor now you canmove these around so after you if youneed to change it and then you'd clickon there and edit it right so let's justsay session 1 right FB ads ok updatelesson so this is my lesson within mysection ok I open the editor to editwithin the section ok let's give it onesecond to load here so this will justget me pretty straightforward stuff hereif I don't like any of these right I canadd in any element I want if I want todo video or anything like that I cansimply go to add element right a lot ofpeople like to use video and theirtraining and I can put a video here nowif I don't like this right I'll takethis out and typically what I would dois I would start with a brand newsection oops I do a section ok drop thatsection in there then I would add my rowI would just use a one column row thenI'd go pretty straightforward and dovideo right and then this is where let'sget rid of all this here to lead this iswhere you can depending on what yourgoal our goal is for each video whateveryou're doing or lesson that you're doingI like to do my title little subtitleand then I would add my video here andthen what I like to have is maybe a callto action so I do a button that givesthem a step right this could be anaffiliate offer it could be to downloadsome information whatever the case maybe that's how you would do it and thenyou just click save log out of there andthen you go to this main edit membershipdesign ok and this will show our firstlesson ok let's preview so you can seehere first section lesson 1 there it isok and that's it and then you have allyour different sections here and you canchange all those out let's go back outhere I don't need to save it right hereit is so here are your sections alrightand is it any questions comments pleaselet me know thank you and have a goodday