Don’t worry your website is still important. However, if you’re are trying to grow your business and get more clients and sales your website is the last place you should send them. Your website is really just a glorified brochure. A place for people to get more info. Also, when you’re trying to get people to take a specific action like enter an email or by a product, there are way too many distractions on a website.
You need to make it super simple for them to take the action you want them to take. Remember, less is more. So what are ClickFunnels?
FREE VIDEO: For Anyone Who Wants To Start An Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin
Learn The #1 Business Model To Launch Online In 2020!
ClickFunnels Sales Funnel
ClickFunnels are online sales funnels that allow any business to get their products and services out to the world. Whether you are an online business or brick and mortar business you need more leads, clients, and sales. ClickFunnels takes out the confusion your users get when they land on your website.
How To Use ClickFunnels
Most commonly funnels are used for list building. You would give away a lead magnet like an ebook or free training in exchange for name and email. If you were to send people directly to your website they would simply get lost. With a funnel, you can take them down the exact path you want them to take.
The best way to see if ClickFunnels is right for your business is to get started with a FREE trial.
Here are a few links to free case studies from business owners just like you. Choose the industry that best fits you;
- Just Getting Started
- Agency/Freelancer
- Info Products
- Ecommerce
- Coaching/Consulting
- Network Marketing
- Local Business
- B2B
- NonProfit
- Blogging
Video Transcript: What Are ClickFunnels For
hello my name is Kjell bringing welcometo this video on what are click funnelswell great questionso click funnels is a software tool thatallows business owners to generate leadsand sell their products and servicesthrough the use of sales funnels and theway that a funnel works is if you'veever been on line which I'm assuming youall have and you've probably clicked onan ad or a link somewhere and you'veentered in your email in exchange forsomething right it was either an e-bookor maybe a free yoga class or a half offhaircut something the exchange was yougive us your email and we'll give youthis so essentially what you're doing isyou're entering a funnel a sales funnelwhere that business owner or brand orwhatever is trying to take you from acold customer to a warm to a hot andthey do that because they offer thatvalue first to kind of get you intotheir ecosystem so to speak to take youinto their world and then you'll likehopefully you'll like that free itemyou're going to want some moreinformation and some more and eventuallymaybe you will buy one of their productsor services from them or or joinwhatever it is you may join and clickfunnels basically allows you to do thatwith simply drag-and-drop so you can seehere this is a funnel that I am I didn'teven build it I simply went up to clickfunnels click build a funnel and Iselected my outcome which is I want toget leads and it'll give me all theseit'll give me hundreds of templates tochoose from now I'm not going to go toodetailed into that but and this is justone and I can change these out with justthe click of a button I can go in hereand say you know downloadthree she she now just to keep in mindguys I'm just scratching the surface ofwhat clickfunnels can do I mean it isjust there's tons and tons of value herebut but for those just getting startedif you're looking to generate leadsonline if you're looking to grow yourbusiness this is where it's at and thereason being is your website is more orless like a glorified brochure nowplease don't take that the wrong way youstill need your website right you needkind of that presence online but anytimeyou're trying to grow your business withleads with sales promotions you want totake them through the funnel stepthrough the funnel process because it'sgoing to take them from cold to warm tohot or it's going to take your warmaudience to hot and you're taking themthrough this series of steps I'll goback and show you that now you can youcan even see here you can drag a drop inthis but I'm taking them through thesesteps I want them to go here then I'mgoing to try and sell them somethinghere then I'm going to take you to theThank You page here where they candownload their item or their gift if Ijust sent them to my website they'regonna see the contact us page they'regonna see the about Us page they'regonna see the you know all the picturesand the videos and all that stuff with asales funnel they have no other optionbut to go through those steps right andthey can leave of course but if theywant what I havethey clicked on my link okay that is theidea that's that's what clicked Wells iswhat it does just you know in itssimplest form and you can see here allthese funnels all these templates guysthat are proven right to work and youcan grab any of these and change themout and do what you need to do and thisis just a few of the funnels there'stons more and you can get a bunch onlineas well if you to search click funnelsfunnels you'll find all kinds dependingon your industry and then I can collectthe various steps that I want right do Iwant them to opt-in and then am I gonnatry and sell them somethingam I gonna upsell them meaning theybought one thing for me then they can dowhat's called a one-click upsell so Ican simply have let's say I brought themin on a half off off of it then theywould buy that half off in the next pageI could say hey would you like to addone more of thistrinket just click the button below andwe'll automatically add it to your cartI mean that alone is gonna increase yourcart value I don't know what the whatthe don't quote me on this but I thinkit's like something like twenty tothirty percent with the one-click upsellwebinars you can do your webinars livewebinars evergreen webinars you can doclasses and membership sites on here soit's absolutely amazing so that is justkind of a brief run-through of what isclicked on those guys I do have lots ofother videos and more detailed reviewsplease check those out and please likesubscribe and share and have a great day