One of the best things you can do to start filling your pipeline and selling more properties is to implement a funnel and automate it. The problem with a traditional website is that it’s not built to sell. It’s built to inform and look pretty. But, when you start to implement a ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel you can have both!
Funnels help to take your prospect on a journey while a website is really just a glorified brochure. It’s where we go to get info. The majority of realtors are doing it all wrong. They are relying on the broker’s website to do the work. But, here’s the problem with that.
When people land on your website from Facebook, Instagram or any other social platform they got lost. There’s no real call to action for them. You are just hoping and praying that they actually enter their email and phone number so you can follow up.
Download Your FREE Funnel Here!
ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel
Why ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel’s Work
Most realtors are stuck in the old way of ding things. Relying solely on referrals, open houses, presentations, and sending people to a website to “have a look”. When you send people to a funnel instead they only have one choice and that’s to give their information. Funnels provide the steps necessary to take a postnational home buyer from cold to hot.
A ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel also gives you the option to add surveys and videos. As we all know video is king right now. What could be better than a personal message from you telling the prospect the exact steps to take?
Use the funnel wherever you put your link. On Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform. Don’t be like the other 99% of realtors out there. Download your free funnel today and see the power!
Video Transcript: ClickFunnels Real Estate
ello my name is Jed I'll bring andwelcome to this video on click funnelsreal estate so if your real estate agentguys and you are looking to get moreleads more quality homebuyers into yourfunnel into your pipeline this isabsolutely the tool for you it is superuser-friendly super easy to use I'mgoing to show you this real estatefunnel right here please stick around tothe end I'm going to show you how youcan get this funnel absolutely free andget started with it today so let's takea look this is the back end of clickfunnels here pretty straightforwardeverything within click funnels isreally user friendly guys it is alldrag-and-dropeverything the text break can be changedto whatever you want of course you gotto spell it correctly so you can do allthat you can go in here I won't go toodeep into the editing side but you cansee here I can change whatever I want Ican increase the font right make itsmaller of course I can change the colorokay so you get the idea therebackground image that can be changedhere it's all just click of the buttonsthere is no coding right you are able tocode right if you want to hire someoneto make it look really fancy but youreally don't need to it's pretty prettystraightforward here so this is thelanding page and there are hundreds oflanding page templates with n clickfunnels guys if you don't like thedesign of this don't worry it is dragand drop you can you can add in othertemplates and use those but the mainpower of this is the way the funnel isset up so let me show you that herewithin click funnels we're able to buildthese are like little mini landing pagesone site landing pages that takes yourpotential home buyer through a journeyright we are taking them we are tellingthem what to do each step of the waywhereas most Realtors now are using kindof and I don't mean this in the wrongway but kind of the cookie cutterwebsite that the that whoever they'reyou know whoever you represent if it's abear Warner or cutting it straight someof these bigger companies they have kindof the the main website that all therealtors are allowed to use so when youclick on those links and I know beI click on them it just takes you to ageneral website you know about uscontact us here our new homes here arethis it's not really taking me on ajourney telling me what to dookay I'm gonna get lost chances are I'mgonna leave I'm probably not going togive you my information I'm probably notgoing to pick up the phone whereas witha funnel you're telling them exactlywhat to do if you want this do this ifyou want this do that and so on so thisis the link this is the funnel that youwould put on your Facebook page and yourInstagram page YouTube videos and youremails and it will take people throughthis funnel I can tell you right now 99%of the Realtors aren't using this butthe 1% that are are crushing it so wehave a landing page we have an opt-inthank you you can also delete all theseyou don't have to use all these but itdepends on how detailed you want to getand let me show you how I'll go throughthis so this is a live page here and ofcourse your domain would be ever youwhatever you want it to be up here andthat's just the link that you would youknow that's your link URL that you woulduse so let's say I'm giving away a freehome list in my area yes I'd love tolist send it to me great click on thisbutton it's gonna tell me to add in allmy information and here you can even putin a chance to get a little extra bonusright no thanks I don't need that tosend me the list or yes I'd love thatmaybe you're offering a free phone calla free consultation something alongthose lines something to get them totake even you know more action rightaway okay and to your info below hereyou have this almost complete so theyknow this isn't a totally long drawn-outprocesssend me the list now the list is ontheir way to their email boxexcellent your exclusive home list is onthe waycheck your email your list will arrivein the next 10 minutes or sooner ifyou're ready to see a home right now youcan click here if you click on thisbutton and I just want to make a notethat this funnel guys this is a sharefunnel so this actually the originalfunnel was created by Spencer Meachemwho is a friend and a fellow digitalmarketer I've taken this funnel and madesome changes and and tweaked it a littlebit for this purpose so you guys canalso do the same you can change anythingyou want withhere the images everything okay and thenhere you go this is right we're takingit even another step and then I canpeople can put in the actual propertyrightthat they want to see look at this soyour area here submit the form belowbecause a lot of people I know when mywife and I are looking for a home weusually know the address of the place wewant to see we're not going to a realtorand saying show me a bunch of homes wesay hey we want to see this this andthis so here now what's cool about thisis within quick bundles you can connectthis to your existing calendar so if youuse something like calendar Li or what'sthe other one I think it's acuitycorrect me if I'm wrong but pretty muchany of the calendars you can connectthis to and you can also connect thiswith a tool called savior which isabsolutely free and clickfunnels willintegrate with zapier and it'll send youtext messages whenever somebody fillsout this form so you can get a text fromzapier that's saying hey somebody wouldlike to see a home contact them rightaway and it'll send you all thisinformation first name email that you'lleven get the the home and the phonenumber that's amazing right so pleasecontact me nowsubmitting thanks we will receive yourinformation shortly it will be in touchand as you all know is the follow-upwrite fortunes in the follow up you'vegot to call these people a.s.a.p so thisway no matter where you are no matterwhat you're doing you will get notifiedand then you have an option to have themjoin your private Facebook group howgreat is that so now you got their phonenumber you got their name you got theiremail and they're gonna join yourFacebook group and Facebook groups areTrueCar extremely powerful guys forbuilding connection with people so Ihope you enjoyed that if you'd like toget a free copy of this funnel there isa link below if you're clickfunnels userjust load it up you can start using ittoday if you're not a clickfunnels userdon't worry you can start using it todayit will prompt you to start a free14-day trial and if you stick aroundwith clickfunnels I do appreciate itthat's how I'm able to afford to keepmaking these great videos for you guysthank you so much