ClickFunnels was founded in 2014. So a lot had changed between then and 2018. User numbers had skyrocketed and new millionaires were popping up left and right from using funnels to grow their businesses.
Current ClickFunnels Review 2018
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Video Transcript: ClickFunnels Review
ey everybody welcome to this video onclickfunnels review 2018 so if you'rewatching this video guys it's actually2019 but a lot of people still want toknow hey what was going on wasclickfunnels in 2018 I need to click forthose review for 2018 so I've been usingclickfunnels for about 3 to 4 yearsand between 8 2018 2019 there's been afew changes here and there you knowthey're constantly constantly addingthey're constantly updating and reallyum not too much has changed guys so whenyou go from 2018 and 2019 I've stillbeen on the basic 97 a month plan I useit to build funnels for clients I alsouse it as an affiliate marketer but someof the main things here like thebackpack plan and follow up funnel sothis used to be called action etics it'snow called follow up funnels backpackand action etics or I'm sorry actuallyit's not followed funnels this is nowwhat's called the Platinum plan but ifyou're just using the 97 a month planthe click funnels you're still going toget access to funnels contacts salesfunnel marketplace and you can stillaccess all the funnels you would soreally not too much as change between2018-2019 the main thing is is that thename of the plans have changed the mainplan is now called the platinum planthat comes with back packages theaffiliate program so if you do have aproduct or service that you want peopleto sell for you as affiliates you willwant the Platinum plan which would bethe backpack with the 5 includesbackpack and follow-up funnels that's297 other than that everything is thesame some of the new things they'veadded that have changed its 2018 is younot have access to what's called funnelflex training if you're in the 297 planand this is going to give you there'ssome documentary videos there's funnelbuilding videos copywriting salestraffic isn't strange personaldevelopment so what's cool about this isthis is this is actually you know onlinevideo training that you can't get onYouTube or anywhere else so this is onlyfor click for launch users to help yougrow your business ok so I hope that washelpful that is clickfunnels reviewin 18 now in 2019 and as far as 2020 Iam I don't know what's changing then Iknow there's going to be someannouncements come the January January /February 20 2010 electing live so I'msure things will change again as they'realways moving forward to help us growour business thank you have a great day