The ClickFunnels Challenge or One Funnels Away Challenge is a total life-changing event.
“The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want… The Family That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business You Build…” – Russell Brunson
So true isn’t it? As a stay at home dad I wake up every morning thinking about how I am going to further myself, better myself and grow as a human being.
Every time I go to my computer to work on this blog or build a funnel for a client I am creating the life I want for myself and my family. And I am changing lives along the way.
Answer These Questions
- Are you a complete beginner, and have NO IDEA where to start?
- Are you stuck in a job that’s heading nowhere, and you want to start your own business or start working from home?
- Is your company successful, but for some reason, you’re feeling stuck?
- Trying to reach more people, or have a bigger impact on the world?
- Convinced that you need a funnel to grow your business, but have no idea where or how to start?
- Are you about to launch a new funnel, and want to make sure it’s successful?
If you answered “yes” to any above questions then you need to get your butt in the One Funnel Away Challenge!
“You suddenly lose EVERYTHING in your business (your money, your big name, your list, your affiliates and JV partners, all of it)…You have bills piled high, and people harassing you for money over the phone. All you have is a roof over your head, a phone line, an internet connection, and a ClickFunnels account for only ONE MONTH. Other than your vast marketing experience, you’re back to being a newbie…What EXACTLY would you do, from Day 1 to Day 30, to save yourself?”
The challenge costs $100 to join. This covers all of your materials that will be shipped to you to use during the challenge (more info on what’s included below).
The best part of this challenge is the BONUS interviews with ClickFunnels 2 Comma Club Winners.
These are entrepreneurs from various industries who share who they would get it all back if they had to start from zero.
Not only do you get their 30-day blueprint, but you also get to see inside their funnel that helped them make over one million dollars in a year.
What are you waiting for? Start the One Funnel Away Challenge Now!
Video Transcript: ClickFunnels Challenge
hello this is Jed I'll bring and in thisvideo I'm going to talk to you about theclick funnels challenge so the actualname of it is called the one funnel awaychallenge but it is obviously run byclick funnels Russell Brunson thefounder and his team so your what'sreally great about this program isyou're getting coaching from Russellhimself and members of his team plusyou're giving getting over I think itbelieve it's about thirty interviewswith two comma Club Award winners sothese are people that are earning sevenfigures guys per year inside of onefunnel so it's absolutely insane nowthis program was just launched Januaryof 2019 I believe or maybe it was mighthave been in December and of end of lastyear but I went through the first oneand it was just absolutely life-changingnow it does cost money it's a hundreddollars but it's a hundred dollars guysfor for literally a coaching andtraining program with the masters andthe industry they're giving youinformation in this and this one funnilychallenge that most people would paythousands and thousands of dollars forso I highly highly recommend it ifyou're a click funnels user or not it isso valuable the information in here thatyou're gonna get and you're gonna getnot only are you gonna be able to gothrough the challenge get all thedownloadables but you're gonna get afull workbook the actual 30-day bookwhich is priceless people are actuallyauctioning this on ebay it's crazy soyou're getting the hardcover book you'regetting 30 days of coaching 30 days ofmissions you're getting the physicalcopy that every three unlimited accessto the 30 day interviews let me tell youthis guys this alone these interviewsare fantastic because you're gettinginterviews with all these people danHenry Dana Derrick's people who haveproved made over a million dollars usingclick funnels so not only do they tellyou what they would do from fromstarting from scratch and they basicallytell you that they were started fromscratch on day one this is what theywould do over the next thirty daysso you actually get their 30 daybusiness plan and see how they wouldimplement it plus you get to go behindthe scenes and actually see thembuilding their funnel showing you theirfunnel that they used to make over amillion dollarsso that right there itself is justpriceless total value three thousandhundred twenty six you guys get it for$100 so depending when you see thisobviously they run them they're startingto run them more frequently now I thinkit was once a quarter I believe nowmaybe once a month don't quote me onthatso obviously this dates gonna changedepending on when you watch this butwhen you click on the link below youstill be able to register for the nextone or see when the next day the nextclosest date is but I would definitelysay jump in before it's too lateand I'll put the link below please likecomment share subscribe thank you somuch for watching