To us Funnels Hackers, ClickFunnels DotCom Secrets is the Bible!
This is the book that changed it for me. Why? Because for the first time in my life I actually understood what the heck was going on. It all made sense to me.
For years I was trying to make money online. Always chasing the “Get rich quick” ideas. But, ClickFunnels DotCom Secrets lays it out so easily and so simple.
Once you understand the concept of funnels and how they can help you sell anything online. You’ll never look at another website the same again.
Inside ClickFunnels DotCom Secrets
DotCom Secrets is broken into 5 easy to understand sections. Each one building on the next. Russell loves to draw so it’s a fun read
- Section One Ladders And Funnels
Learning the basics and knowing who your “dream client” is - Communication Funnel
Creating your attractive character - Funnelology
Funnel Hacking and finding successful campaigns - Funnels And Scripts
Ahhh finally. Building funnels and what the heck to say - ClickFunnels
Learning how to put it all together using ClickFunnels
Get a FREE Copy Of DotCom Secrets Here!
Video Transcript: ClickFunnels DotCom Secretshello my name is Jed I'll bring a welcome to this video on clickfunnels comm secrets so I want to talk to you a little bit about what's in comm secrets and then I'm gonna show you how I can get comm secrets for free guys dot-com secrets is the first book that Russell did and the second one is expert secrets now a lot of people like to read expert secrets first and then dot-com secrets I personally did comm and then expert is more about the technical side of clickfunnels like how to put together funnels what funnels you need for for certain things you're trying to accomplish and when I say technical I'll use that very lightly because it's there is no technical you need zero tech skills I mean clickfunnels itself is a drag-and-drop editor so if you can use your iPhone or your cell phone you can use clickfunnels so don't worry about that side of it really what it is is showing you how to create a funnel and what types of funnels you use for different scenarios within your business it talks to you about getting traffic and talk to you about how to create a value ladder and how you would use a value ladder in your business right and how how to take the traffic through there so it's really explaining to you funnels and how they work what they are what they do and and it'll tell you you know everything you need from how to drive traffic to the funnel if you're doing an opt-in funnel you know what are landing pages webinar funnels creating offers and then he obviously shows you the actual funnels that you would use front-end funnel so this is a two step free plus shipping funnel so if you're an e-commerce but it's really the funnel design and he goes into detail on you know new knowing who your customer is what the why the how and it's really an incredible book if you're looking to add funnels to your business you need this book and you also need expert secrets expert secrets is going to give you really the tools to grow your business beyond the fun right telling your story building your tribe but dot-com secrets itself is kind of the blueprint behind putting your funnels together creating your call to action and then he's also going to go in to click funnels the software of course talk about that what it does how it builds the funnels so it's a great intro into the world of funnels I will give you guys a link here where you can get com secrets for free I highly recommend watch this video here you can get a little more information on the book below I would watch these interviews Jeff Walker who is creator of the product launch lizz Benny is a million dollar earner with click funnels so these are powerful people who are you know who have read this book and built million-dollar companies based on the the techniques taught in this book and Russell likes to doodle I love his doodles because it's very easy to read if you're a visual learner he lays it out pretty straightforward a fifth grader could read it and build a business from this book so I will put a link below where you can get the book for free plus shipping and handling the hard copy is the way to go I had the Kindle copy obviously you pay a lot more for that but I also have the hard copy because I like to hold it in my hands and you know refer to it so get a copy of this book today I'll also put a link to the expert secrets book you can pick them up both for free plus shipping and handling thank you so much please like subscribe share have a great day