In this Clickfunnels Landing Page Tutorial video post I will show you how to properly set up a landing page that converts.
Landing pages come in all shapes and sizes. Always remember that “less is more”. Most people get to hung up on where their logo is or how pretty the page is.
What’s most import is your hook and your headline. You need to create enough curiosity to make a complete stranger click.
I use Funnel Scripts from Jim Edwards and Russell Brunson to help write all my headlines.
You can check try the Free Headline Generator here to get some ideas.
The best way to get started building ClickFunnels landing pages is to start the free trial. You can try all the different landing page templates for 14 days.
Video Transcript: ClickFunnels Landing Page Tutorialhello everybody and welcome my name isJed I'll bring and I'm going to give youa clickfunnelslanding page tutorial I'm gonna show youhow to set up your landing page what todo with your landing page what to say atyour landing page so that you can getmore people in the door to your onlinebusiness offline business doesn't matterwhat you do I'm gonna give you a brieftutorial here also stick around to theend I've got some bonuses for you guyson how you can get started for free withclick funnels as well as get a bunch offree funnels and training ok so ifyou're new to click funnels this is yourdashboard pretty straightforward allyou're gonna do is go to the clickfunnels icon here and you're simplygonna go to build funnel now it's goingto prompt us to take a couple differentoptions here okaysorry my internet is a little slow butit's gonna tell us like are we selling aproduct or we hosting a webinar and themain point is here is as you get morefamiliar with building funnels you'regonna know if you're going through theproduct funnel or webinar funnel butmost of the time we're collecting emailsand we can always add steps as neededbut typically right we're starting withcollecting emails first I'm just goingto call this test one so I can delete itafter and it's gonna automaticallypopulate my landing page and my ThankYou pageall right so I have Oh II maybe I did adifferent one already okay you know whatI think I did I think I started and Istopped and started again oh well sosame thing so it populates my opt-in andmy thank you now if you have pre donelanding pages they're gonna populatehere so you can build landing pages andsave them like these are ones I did forclients but what's really cool if youscroll down so these are all mine uphere that I built already but when youscroll down so for you if you're brandnew you're not gonna see all this uphereyou're probably gonna start with thisguy and girl right here now these areall landing page examples I recommendstarting with one that kind of catchesyour eye really I like to keep it veryvery simple depending on what I'm tryingto do let's say I'm trying to do say alead magnet or something like that let'sgo with this one here all I have to dois hit select template and it's gonnaload this landing page right into myfunnelokay I'm don't worry about this stuffhere it's gonna create the first step inmy funnel so now what I would do is goto edit page and it's gonna edit mylanding page for me so all I need to dois change my stuff like if I want to getrid of this rocket here maybe I don'twant that it's not a free masterclassmaybe I'm doing like free let's see freecoaching ebook I don't know let's dothis maybe I'm a life coach right mywife would laugh at that right and thenI can change this here right get myproven actually get my top ten lifecoachingso you know I try to you know you alwaystry to create a little curiosity I kindof did that off the cop like oh I wonderwhat those hacks are I'm a life coachI'd like to know and if I want to changethat right I want to make that a littlebit smaller I can do that and then youhave a sub-headlinewhich would be you know creating evenmore curiosity or maybe even urgencylike you know act now you know act actnow I am only whoops only giving away tothe first 100 students or whatever it isnow the thing is if you do make up claimlike that be real with it and do giveaway a hundred and then you can changeit and do another offer but if you'regonna create the urgency make sure it'slegit nothing worse than seeing that youknow I only have five left when you knowthey don't so you can do the scarcityand urgency which is great because whenyou do a landing page you want to youknow you want to make them act so youwant to create here on the headline iswhere you want to you want to create ahook something to get them to click likewhat is it what's weird what's crazywhat I want to click on that thing rightit works so another great tool I won'tget into it but it's funnel scripts byclick funnels where it helps you buildyour headlines is a great tool I willput a link below I hope I don't forgetbut that's really the main thing so themain thing is to have a headline with ahook have a sub headline create someurgency create some scarcity you canalso use the sub headline to kind ofreach we talked about this like thesetap coaching hacks have helped me growmy business from five clients to thirtyclients in the last six months somethingalong those lines okay and then boomclick here to get yours so what this isgoing to do it's going to populate forme it's gonna populate for me either apop-up rightso in this case it is a pop-up if Idon't want the pop-up I don't have touse itI can go to elements okay and simplydrag and put my opt-in here okay but Ilike the pop up so my pop up is anothergreat place for me to create moreurgency this could be where so let's goback this could be where this here sothis is you don't even have to have thisright so you can get rid of this alltogether and this could be your hook WowI gotta get this and then when theyclick on here this is kind of coolyou could put the scarcity and urgencyhere like hey make sure you get yourstoday because I'm only doing this forthe next two days I only have a hundredleft and we have this I don't way youhad that so there's a couple differentways you can create their urgency andscarcity but that's really the mainthing and the main thing with thelanding page guys is keep it simple ifyou've ever heard that phrase keep itsimple stupid right because you want totalk to people like they're in the fifthgrade you want to keep as less aspossible write less is more also anotherthing is you want everything to be abovethe fold so when you look at thiseverything is above this bottom linethis is the fold so you don't want tosee the headline up here and then haveto scroll down and opt-in down here sokeep it just one page like that haveyour footer with all your disclaimersespecially if you're an affiliate oryou're doing anything or if you'rerunning ads off of Facebook you do haveto put it to scale amber down herebecause Facebook will not take yourlanding page so keep that in mind thatyou do have any kind of disclaimers youneed you need your privacy form all thatstuff has to be down here but doesn'thave to be fancy as long as it's listedyou're good to gookay so let's save this and preview thisand that's it and then the main thing isis obviously make sure you deliver whatyou give to them and that could be sentto them via email on the next page whichis the Thank You page it could be adownload but again let's to reiterateguys when you're building a landing pagea hook for your headline rightright big call-to-action tell themexactly what it is so I might changethis and say get your hacks here getyour top ten hacks here and then up heremake sure you create scarcity andurgency and another call to action sothis button is gonna be like click hereto get it and then the next button isgonna be yes I want it right so you wantto lead them down the steps okay andkeep it simpleall right I hope that helps if you mybonuses that's rightso if you're new to click funnels guysand you want to start building landingpages you're gonna have access tohundreds of free templates I will put alink below and if you end up signing upfor click funnels guys you're gonna geta email from me personally and I'm gonnasend you my free click funnels trainingso it is basically a get started guideto click funnels a link to my privateFacebook group where I go live and teachyou how to do this stuff for free andI'm also going to send you some freefunnels that are pre-populated ready torock and roll you can use them you canshare them you can even change themaround and sell them you can do whateveryou want with them thank you so muchplease like subscribe and share