A well-crafted webinar like, Russell Brunson’s “Perfect Webinar” can make you a fortune. And once it’s perfected you can set it on auto-pilot and let it earn for you 24/7. Besides Russell himself, one of the best at this is the one and only Lady Boss. She has built an empire of the perfect webinar, impacting millions of women all over the world. So how do you get started with the ClickFunnels Webinar Funnel?
Video Transcript: ClickFunnels Weebinar Funnel
hello and welcome to all bring and I'mgoing to show you the clickfunnelswebinar funnel so if you're new to clickfunnels once you get into your backdashboard it's pretty straightforwardyou can go to click funnels tab go tobuild a funnel and you'll see here it'sjust going to walk you through I'd go tothe classic funnel builder create funneland then you're going to click host awebinar okay and what it's going to dois it's going to give you all thesedifferent templates that you can choosefrom so for instance I'm using a prettystraightforward template here now thisis not this is not my text this is predone by click funnels and then I can goin and change it and I'll show you hereshortly but what I want to show you hereis what's great about the click funnelswebinar funnel is that there's tons andtons of pre done templates absolutelyfree to you as a click funnels user evenif you're on the 14-day trial you canhave access to these you can run a run afunnel and start using it there's beenplenty of people that have made theirmoney back day one on their 14-day trialand never paid a cent for their trialbecause they're constantly making moneyusing these funnels and that's howpowerful they are but what's great aboutthese funnels and something to keep inmind is these are not just throwntogether I mean these are proven landingpages for funnel for webinar funnelsthat Russell Brunson his team have usedand have had success with so for examplethe video is on the left the signup ison the right the buttons are green andyou'll see various different colors andthemes and you can change out the colorsif you like obviously I recommend splittesting but it's really cool is it'sgoing to auto populate all your dateyour time this is cool here this kind ofcreates some urgency you can change thisout however you want to do it you canhave the names of the presenters andthen if you're familiar with RussellBrunson'steachings his expert secret book anddot-com secrets book this is a big thinghere which is kind of laying out youknow three secrets that are going to begiven in the webinar so you might changethis to secret number oneor to number three especially if you'refollowing the perfect webinar modelwhich I recommend you do this is whereyou would list your secrets secretnumber one you know how to you know I'mjust making this up how to make amillion dollars in 24 hours you knowmost people think it's this but you cando X Y & Z and so on so you're givingpeople a little taste of what's to comeand then they can simply click hereregister their spot and this will popopen now this will link with any of yourwebinar providers webinarjameasy webinar zoom all that good stuffand then let me show you here on theediting side just how easy this is toedit so once you're in here you canchange out your video click on thebutton you can use a custom embeddedvideo YouTube Vimeo Wistia now realquick this is just a video this would beyou talking welcome them to the webinarhey this is what the webinar is aboutthis is not the actual webinar I don'twant to confuse you so this is a as youall know video is extremely powerful youwould use this to introduce yourselfwelcome them bring you know yourpersonality and everything to the tablebecause people connect with people butyou can connect you can use just simplyput in your YouTube address here andthat's our URL and that's all you needyou can have autoplay off or on you canhave the control show or not show yourbranding you can block the pause buttonso people can't pause it various thingsyou can set the height and the width soall different types of things you can dohere you also have various themes so ifyou want to change it to blue black somaybe if you have a white background Idon't know what the difference is ofthis one here what's that one oh thenyou could do green so you can do allkinds of like funky stuff red and thenyou have your advanced features you canset make the width a little smaller halfwidth and of course full width sticky onscroll so you can have it on so when youwatch it it goes up and down let's whatlet's show you a demo here how thatworkspreviewmaybe I think it has to be a live pageyeah so it has to be a live page so I'mnot going to do that right now andapologize but I think you get thepicture so what would happen here iswhen you put this on sticky sticky onscroll meaning this video when I scrollup it's going to stick right here on thepage so you'll it'll always stay inplain view so just like if we do asticky header on your website but thepage needs to be live so I don't have adomain attached to this but you can seehere any of these things you can changeout quickly right change I can go andchange underlines italics bold I canchange my bold color you know whatever Iwant that color to be if I don't likethis I can delete it all together okay Iwant to go back I can go to the backbuttonum also I could put in if I wanted todelete talk to me herewhat am i doing okay so if I wanted tosay add a new row in here and then Iwant to add another element elementswould be like images things like thatand maybe I want to do an image andlet's say I want this image to be mylogo I'd go in here I don't have alook-see what do I have here for I don'twant to like use a client's thing hereall right so I just double tap on thislogo now I have a logo right and I canchange the size of that you know thiscould be the logo for my company or forthe actual name of the webinar andthat's it you get the picture I canchange all this I can make it biggermake it smaller okay I can moveeverything aroundyeah okay another thing I want to notehere is I can set the action to rightnow it's set to a pop up so this is thepop up so when you press the button Ithink you showed here it pops up rightboom pop up now I can go in here andedit my pop up settings and this is justlike a mini funnel here I can change allthe you know I can change all thepositioning and I can change thebackground and I can change the color soI can do everything on this page I cando it here now if you don't want it toopen up there you don't have to you canalso have it where the email option youknow shows up here as well where theiremail name is right there so you haveall that good fun stuff and then ofcoursewhen you're done it'll take them to awebinar confirmation page and then alsoyou know you can get as detailed as youwant you can have up cells and downcells in here this will also connectwith your email autoresponder so it'sautomatically going to trigger out youremails your welcome email see Congratshere's your event tickets save the dateadd to your Google Calendar OutlookGoogle all that stuff here's anothervideo where you can put in welcome toyou know thank you so much for signingup for the webinar here are the nextsteps this is also a great place to givethem some value so there you have it ina nutshell guys you could use thisfunnel for what was I going to say youcan connect this funnel with any of yourwebinar platforms webinar Jam everywebinar zoom all that stuff you can alsoif you want access to this exact funnelguys for free click below and you canstart using this funnel right now if youdon't have a 14-day trial you would justsign up for a free 14-day trial andclick funnels and you will find this inthe webinar funnel templates thank youso much have a great day