Setting up your favorite webinar software is simple and only takes a few steps. The ClickFunnels Webinar Integrations works with all the major players like; Webinar Jam, ZOOM, Easy Webinar, GoTo Webinar and more.
Steps For ClickFunnels Webinar Integration
After logging into your ClickFunnels account select “settings” from the top right side under your profile. From there you will select “Integrations” from the lower left-hand side.
From here you will go to the integrations dashboard where you can select “Webinar”
Select your webinar provider then simply follow the steps to add your login information and integration information. Of you do not see your webinar provider listed don’t worry. You can still integrate (most) your webinar software in the funnel dashboard area. As always contact support with any questions.
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Video Transcript: ClickFunnels Webinar Integration
o this video on clicks closed webinarintegration so in order to integrateyour current webinar provider whateveryou use webinar jam or zoom or everwebinar you're going to go up here tothe top right and you go to your accountsettings and then over here on the leftis going to be integration so now you'regoing to add integration and it's goingto have all these different actions uphere right so you can this is also whereyou would do all your emails everythinglike that simply go to webinar and it'sgoing to have all your different oneshere now if you don't see yours heredon't worry you can still I know thatsome that are not on here I don't seeever or there it is every webinarthere's another one - think it's webinarninja I've used webinar ninja onclickfunnels before so there are othersthat are not shown here that you can usebut let's say you want to integrate ityou simply click and it's just going totake you through the process right it'sgoing to you'll name it whatever youwant to call it like so you can see Idid a web ninja once and you're going toadd your script your API secret and yourAPI key now if you don't know how to dothat there's going to be documentationunderneath on how to do that and thenyou can also simply type in you knowclickfunnels oome integration clickfunnel ever webinar integration and theclickfunnels Support Team has trainingvideos on those but it's super supereasy you go to your zoom account go toyour settings there there'll be asection that says secret key and API keyonce you put that in you will hit addintegration and now you will beintegrated so when you go back to yourfunnels and you're holding your webinaryou're going to use your webinartemplate right obviously is the leadfunnel to get people into the doorand it'll start to send out yourautomation right you can integrate withyour email provider here and you shouldhave your zoom show up like you can seehere I had webinar ninja show up andintegrated from existing HML so whathappens here is when people click onthis button to register which will showup here this will be connected to yourwebinar account ok so the cool thing isis clickfunnels is going to store thisinformation but it's also going totrigger to your webinar platform as wellso the emails will be sent out from zoomto notify people of your webinar you canalso have the email sent out by youremail service provider like I use activecampaign and you can also use if youhave a platinum plan with clickfunnelsyou can have the email sent out that wayso there's lots of different optionsobviously the most easiest and the bestway to do it is to have everything gothrough your webinar platform but usingclickfunnels with your webinar platformis just it's a knockout combination andI know that a lot of the funnel hackershave a lot of great success especiallyusing the perfect webinar model so thereyou have it that's how to integrate goto account settingsgo to integrationwhere is it down here toocreation ad integration GoToWebinar andthere you have it and it'll prompt youthrough adding your integrationnicknames a degree adding your tees andso forth alright thank you so much havea good one