doTERRA Sales Funnel – How To Fill Your Downline Online

This is a doTERRA sales funnel!

Now you’re probably asking yourself “what is a sales funnel?” and  “why do I need it?” 

First, let me tell you a quick story about when I was in college. I went to school out west in Colorado and a friend of mine had called me up one day and said: “hey man what’s going on you want to meet for coffee?.

I didn’t think anything of it cuz I didn’t know anything about MLM or network marketing at the time. 

So we had coffee and we talked and we talked and all of a sudden he kind of slipped it in and started talking about this amazing opportunity.

All I heard was all the money he was making and then he told me about how great the products were I think he even gave me a sample of this energy drink.

I was like wow that’s great and he told me how there’s a doctor in the program and there’s a lawyer in the program and there’s a scientist and this is not your typical MLM.

Time To Bug Your Friends And Family

After the meeting, I was all excited and pumped for this once in a lifetime opportunity. So I asked him “now what?”. He told me to write down a list of my closest friends and family then start dialing.

What??? So I did it and it sucked. I pissed off half my family and lost a few friends in the process.

Luckily for you, there is now this amazing new software called ClickFunnels that can literally build you a sales funnel in minutes.

What Is A Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is design to take people from cold to hot. We are basically taking them on a journey to know, like and trust us.

The beauty is you no longer have to call friends and family or bug people at a BBQ. You just sent them to your funnel and they can choose either the products route or opportunity route.

The set up will differ from company to company but the process is the same. Get people in your downline and make money!

Download Your FREE doTERRA Sales Funnel

I have put together this simple yet powerful sales funnel to help you grow your doTERRA business.

All you need to do is upload the funnel to your ClickFunnels account and add your domain.

No ClickFunnels account?

That’s ok after you click on the funnel link it will prompt you to start a 14-Day Free Trial. 


doterra sales funnel

Video Transcript: ClickFunnels doTERRA Funnel
hey guys how you do it my name is Judd Albring and this is a doTERRA sales funnel now you're probably asking yourself what is the sales funnel and why do I need it well let me tell you what it is and why first of all let's talk about traditional ways of marketing in a network marketing business or an MLM I let me tell you a quick story when I was in college I went to school out west in Colorado and a friend of mine had called me up one day hey man what's going on you want to meet for coffee and I didn't think anything of it cuz I didn't know anything about LMS or network marketing at the time and we went we had coffee and we talked and we talked and all of a sudden he kind of slipped it in and started talking about this opportunity and I didn't really know what was going on but I heard about all the money he was making and then he told me about how great the products were I think he even gave me a sample of like this energy drink I was like wow that's great and he told me how there's a doctor in the program and there's a lawyer in the program and there's a scientist and this is not your typical MLM and I was like okay so I went to the meeting and I invested the money and after I invested the money there he's I'm like okay now what he's like write down a list of a hundred of your best friends family and start calling them up I'm like what no no no no I'm not going to do that and I think I called one person that it was the most uncomfortable phone call of my entire life and that was my introduction into the MLM world I invested the money I made one phone call and that was it I still had thousands of dollars worth of products sitting in my closet for years and years because I didn't want to do I didn't know what to do with it and one day I finally said screw it I threw it all in the trash so that was my first introduction to into MLM well fast forward things have changed smart MLM are smart network marketers are using what's called a sales funnel a sales funnel is taking people through the process right so you're either taking them to buy the product or you're taking them maybe into the opportunity but what it is is it's cutting out the friction it's cutting out the uncomfortableness of making the phone call sitting down introducing them to the opportunity because people are not stupid they know what's going on so this is for people who are truly interested they've already got to learn a little bit about you you've built up the know like and trust factor either on Instagram or YouTube or wherever and where you put your little link and Instagram this is what it would link to this is the sales funnel so you can take them here where they can enter their name and their information they're telling you they want to learn more they're giving you permission to contact them okay so this is the basic funnel and if you make sure you stick around guys I'm gonna give this funnel to you absolutely free and let me show you what this looks like okay pretty cool huh and this is mobile friendly you can use it you would replace your number you can put your own video in here introducing yourself hey my name is Bob and I want to tell you more about essential oils I also recommend doing something like offering them a free gift or a bonus maybe a download a PDF that you can give to them maybe it's a some background on and what oils can do for you something to entice them to give you their information that's called a lead magnet then they would enter in their name email information and boom now you not only have somebody who's interested but you're building up an e-mail list which is crucial right you can contact them you can market to them so let me show you what's really cool here is this here this button once you've entered all and this is all just boom drag drop and go you can change all these super easy I can go in here right change my name out no tech needed whatsoever okay boom now here is the cool part this is where you're gonna set the action which you want them to do which is submit the form but what this does is this integrates with your email provider so if you have convertkit active campaign MailChimp it'll link to your existing CRM so that the emails will come to you and you can send them a series of eco email sequences that's where the power of a sales funnel comes in is that follow up no more picking up the call hey do you want to meet you undo this you will start to trigger automated emails this funnel Daewon would be welcome day two might be hey here's a little information here's this here's that so you're taking them along this journey okay that is sales funnels in a nutshell that is how you use a sales funnel to recruit to sell your products or services and again this can link from your Instagram account your Facebook anywhere it is so much more powerful than simply just having them click a link and go to a blank or to a random web page okay so I'm gonna put a link below where you can take this exact funnel and upload it into your click funnels account if you don't have a click funnels account that is okay you can start 14-day free trial and start messing with this today it is truly powerful enjoy

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Trial Today And Get These 8 Bonuses FREE!

  • BONUS #1: One Hour Coaching Call! (VALUE $197)

  • BONUS #2: Funnel Review And Set-Up (VALUE $897)

  • BONUS #3: 30 Share Funnels (VALUE $497)

  • BONUS #4: Million Dollar Ad Swipe Library (VALUE $197)

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