When you’re just getting started with funnels the last thing you want to worry about is design. Your main focus should be on marketing your product and services so you can make a crap ton of cash. Am I right?
Luckily for you, I have access to all the FREE ClickFunnels Themes and Templates you can handle.
Option 1: FREE ClickFunnels Themes
One of my favorite places to go for free themes is Funnel Fridays. Every Friday Russell Brunson and Jim Edwards get together and build funnels sent in by ClickFunnels users. It’s sort of like a “Funnel Make Over” show.
But, Russell goes deep into the design of the funnel from both the copy side and layout for you to have the best success. After they are done building the funnel you can download the exact funnel theme or template for free. How cool is that?
If you have a ClickFunnels account it will upload automatically if you are new you just need to start your FREE 14-Day Trial.
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Option 2: FREE ClickFunnels Themes
Whenever you build a new funnel in ClickFunnels you have the option to build from scratch or choose from 100’s of pre-built ClickFunnels themes and templates.
You can choose from either the CookBook Builder or Classic builder.
ClickFunnels CookBook Builder
This option will give you a pre-built funnel based on your needs. Plus, Russell Brunson even provides a brief video for how each funnel works. This is a great place for beginners. After choosing from the various funnel types you will have options to choose your theme.
ClickFunnels Classic Builder
This classic builder allows you to choose each step of the funnel. From here you will several different options of layouts and themes for opt-in, sales, OTO, Webinar, Thank You Page and more. This is my favorite!
Option 3: ClickFunnels Marketplace
Lastly is the ClickFunnels Marketplace. Here you can find themes from all types of industries. themes range from FREE to several $100 dollars. What’s great about the marketplace is you can re-design these themes for clients and sell or share them.
You can get access to all the above options with your current plan or start FREE 14-Day Trial and get access now.
Video Transcript: Free ClickFunnels Themes
hello this gentle bring in welcome tothis video on click funnels theme soclick funnels has hundreds of themeswhether they're whether they're createdby funnel hackers those our end usersclick funnels end users or click funnelsthemselves now there's a couple placeswhere you can actually access thesethemes and I'm going to show them to younow so and but then click funnels theycall them templates but themes templatesis the same thing so the way you canaccess the themes are four one is nowthis is an existing funnel this is thetheme that I have with desert particularreal estate theme but let's say I wasbuilding a new funnel and I'm just goingto do tests here and creating a newfunnel stepclickfunnels is gonna prompt me and showme all the different clickfunnels themesthat are available for me to use so boomso it's a new step which means it'sgoing to access a new theme for me nowwhat's cool about it is it'll you cansave you can build your own and designyour own themes and just save them sothese are like themes I've used forclients here bear with me Internet's area little slow here all right there we goso as you can see on the top here nowyour screen if you're new toclickfunnels you have clickfunnelsit's not going to look like this theseare themes that I built for clients andI've saved them but as you scroll downhere let's see all right so this shouldstartthis should start thequick funnel clean all right so if youlook here so this could look andgentlemen here this would start thiswould start the themes that you haveaccess to and this is just basic opt-inthemes okay you know you can preview thetheme see what it looks likeright it's something you want to doobviously you're going to you can changeall this out on the text all the imagesthis is the lead magnet right like ifyou're giving away a free book orsomething you know if you're maybe acoach or something you might want to putyou this is kind of fitted with what youwant to do you want to put your imagehere and at all you know in thedifferent color schemes that you mightlike now you can change all the colorschemes but a lot of times you just wantto go something really quick right justyou know you want to change out the textchange an image you're ready to go so itgives you all these themes and this isjust scratching the surface but what Ilove about it is it gives you themesbased on what you're trying to do so ifI'm looking to do opt-in or thank you ifI'm looking to do a sales page orwebinar or a membership site it'll giveme themes for that so let's say I'mdoing a sales page look at all thesedifferent now some of these are minescroll them alright so you can see allthese different sales pages here nowvideo sales pagelet's roll for those mine we show youthe easier product launch so if you'redoing like a product launch it'llautomatically prompt look at this soit's going to prompt a product launchpage for you look how cool this site isand all I need to do is go in and changemy little product here let me show youthe various videos that will be comingup and it'll automatically build out apage for each of these video and thenthe same thing with the webinar guys ifyou're building a webinar it's going toget out your registration page Thank Youpage everything I mean some of these arejust like theirs this is a no-brainerall right so look at that everything'sready to go your presenters you got yoursign up this will link with all thewebinar webinar Jam zoom all those greatthings GoToWebinar it'll sync with allthose no problem now let me show youanother place so herewhere is it funnels okay funnelmarketplaceso within click funnels is somethingcalled the funnel marketplace and thisis all these are tons of free I'll startfrom free first you can do free and paidso these are look at all these these areall free funnels store for a funnelswebinar funnels ecommerce funnels allthis these are absolutely free these arepre-built funnels some of these arethree four five pages long you know youcan sell it you can redesign these andsell them or use them for yourselfthere's all different things you can doand then lastly it's a place calledfunnel Friday I'll put the links belowguys for all this stuff also put a linkbelow if you're you to click funnels youcan get a free 14-day trial you canstart working with all these themestoday but this is called funnel Friday'sthis with Russell Brunson co-founder ofclick funnels and Jim Edwards who'scopywriter and creator of funnel scriptswith Russell and every Friday or almostevery Friday they go through somebody'sfunnel so a funnel hacker and user clickfunnel sends in a funnel says hey helpme with my funnel they'll go throughcritique the funnel and kind of rebuildit restructure it and then Jim will addthe copy to the sales page the webinarthe VSL whatever the case may be and itis absolutely fantastic so if you wantto learn how to build funnels click goto funnel Friday ok and there's tons ofdifferent funnels and also you can grabthese are all free click funnelstemplates underneath here that you cangrab and use alright so you have theecommerce coaching brick and mortaraffiliate it just goes on and on lifecoaching you name it you'll findsomething that fits what you're lookingfor alright so I hope that helps that isclick funnels themes or templateshowever you want to call it thank you somuch guys like subscribe have a greatda