One of the best things you can do to start filling your pipeline and selling more properties is to implement a ClickFunnels Sales Funnel. Using a ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel will drastically help you increase your list of potential home buyers.
The majority of realtors are doing it all wrong. They are relying on the broker’s website to do the work. But, here’s the problem with that.
When people land on your website from Facebook, Instagram or any other social platform they got lost. There’s no real call to action for them. You are just hoping and praying that they actually enter their email and phone number so you can follow up.
ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel’s Work!
Most realtors are stuck in the old way of ding things. Relying solely on referrals, open houses, presentations, and sending people to a website to “have a look”. When you send people to a funnel instead they only have one choice and that’s to give their information. Funnels provide the steps necessary to take a postnational home buyer from cold to hot.
Download Your FREE Funnel Here!
ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel
A ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel also gives you the option to add surveys and videos. As we all know video is king right now. What could be better than a personal message from you telling the prospect the exact steps to take?
Use the funnel wherever you put your link. On Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform. Don’t be like the other 99% of realtors out there. Download your free funnel today and see the power!
Video Transcript: ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel
ello my name is Jed I'll bring and inthis video I'm going to show you theclick funnels real estate funnel sothere are tons of funnels out there guyssome very simple some more complex thisfunnel this funnel gives you a littlebit of everything right you have theability to do a pretty straightforwardfunnel you can simply do the landingpage here and the opt-in and the thankyou and you don't even need the rest ofthis or if you want to go more involvedI'll show you here in a second you canhave the landing page optimizationillipe age so you have the ability tocollect even more information and haveyour more serious people who are reallylooking to buy a home go through thesales funnel process so if you're new toclick funnels guys click funnels issuper easy to use it is drag-and-dropthere's no coding no technicalexperience whatsoever before I startedusing click funnels I could send a textmessage and that was about iteverything here is right I want tochange anything I simply go there I canchange the text right I can change thecolors I can do all that if I don't likethis button I can change the button if Iwant the that bigger I can do that I canchange the color of the button okaythe background I simply go here click onthere and change the background image soand then I can go back here boom so theediting part is super easy what'spowerful guides is how this funnel worksso the way that you would use this nowthis is a funnel guys this is a funnelthat was originally done by spencerMeachem I've taken this funnel and justmade some minor tweaks to it then youcan do the same make changes to it makeit your own the way you would use thefunnel for real estate guys is you wouldyou know you're going to have your ownURL up here that you would link with andclick funnels and that would be the URLthat you use in your facebook about pageanywhere you want to share a link toyour funnel on your Instagram YouTubewherever whatever platform you're onthis is the link you would give thembecause most Realtors are sending peopleto the standardreal estate website that the companygives them and when people go to thosewebsites they get lost because they'rekind of like where do I go and there'sthey're just overwhelmed withinformation the funnel allows you tokeep them laser focused on the task athand do you want this yes well if youwant this you got to do this and this ishow you're gonna explode your businessguys so you can do anything here this isjust an example right send me a list ofthe homes depending on your area youknow what's gonna kind of catch people'sattention so get my exclusive listingsI'm the best homes in the area and ofcourse you put here whatever your areais send me the list great all right I'llsend you the list put in your name youremail and then here you could putsomething even better right or even youknow take it a step further would you beinterested in our free XYZ or would yoube interested in a would you like me tocall you would you like me to do thisyes I would love that great and you candelete that if you don't want that stuffit's a click of a buttonexcellent your exclusive homeless is onthe way now this is really really coolhere this is great urgency here youcould put something here right you knowlike contact me within the next blahblah blah or for free private blah blahblah you know tour tour the home orhowever you want to do it or somethinghere like know the home you want to seecontact me here so when they click onthis now how they can put in here thehome that they want to see right fourfive five cool home and wherever it isand this can be connected to there's atool called zapier it's absolutely freethere's paid versions but for thispurpose you could use a totally freeversion and de pere connects with withclickfunnels again no technicalexperience required and what wouldhappen here is they integrate togetherso when people put their name andinformation in here xaviar is going tosend you a text message or an emailhowever you want to do it I usually dolike a text message and it's going tosend you it's going to say you have anew lead it's going to give you the namethe email the phone number and the homethat they want to see so that you cancontact them ASAP so literally by thetime they are done hitting click now herplease contact me now you're picking upthe phone and giving them a call rightbecause we all know anybody inyou know the business of working forthemselvesthe fortune is in the follow-up if weget to email somebody wants our serviceswe got to call them right away if notthey've already contacted five people sothat's where this is super superpowerful and it'll click again and ofcourse you could have images of homesback here that that you actually areshowing these are just homes I found ona free photo website thanks we receivedyour information I'll be in touch and doshortly or I'll be a touch with you ASAPand then here this is a great option tooyou can add in if you don't have aprivate Facebook group I highly suggestyou get one that is one of the mostpowerful ways to connect with youraudience great if you want immediateaccess to all the best homes and ChicagoDetroit San Francisco join my my privateFacebook group who and they can click goto your Facebook group and you can startinteracting with in that way so nowyou've got their phone number you gottheir name you've got their email andthey're part of your Facebook group yougot all these different points ofcontact to start connecting with thesepeople and growing your business youcannot do that with just your standardwebsite so I hope that helps I hope thatmakes sense if you want this funnel guysfor free click below if you're aclickfunnels user it'll upload right toyour account start using it todayif you're not a click photos user don'tworry you still get the funnel for freeyou will be prompted to start a free14-day trial and if you end up becomingclickfunnels user thank you that's how Iget paid and that's how I'm able to keepmy channel going and keep providingthese videos for you thank you so muchhave a great day