Looking for the Funnel Scripts free download?
You can grab it here – Free Funnel Scripts Trial
Funnel Scripts has been an absolute lifesaver not only for my business but for my clients as well. If you’re like me and you suck and or hate writing copy then you need Funnel Scripts.
What Is Funnel Scripts?
Imagine you have a team of copywriters that write all your ad copy, emails, webinars, video sales letters, hooks, stories, offers, articles, tweets, calls to action, Facebook Ads and anything else you need them to do…oh and in just 10 minutes.
That’s Funnel Scripts software!
The Scripts
There scripts created for virtually every single part of your funnel. You can also get scripts written for emails, webinars and VSL’s and more as mentioned above.
You just choose the scripts you want then enter your info in the fields.
Below is an example for my favorite, The Epiphany Bridge Scripts. You can get this in the long or short format.
It couldn’t be any easier. If you’re familiar with Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson then you know the power of the Epiphany Bridge.
If I tried writing this out myself and it takes me a good 1-2 hours. With Funnels Scripts I can write this out in about 20 minutes. When you’re done you just “Whack The Button” and the scripts are available to print.
From there you can make edits as needed.
Downloadable Wizards
Within Funnel Scripts there is an additional 6 downloadable “Wizards” or software. I like to think if these as 6 big fat bonuses courtesy of Jim Edwards, Russell Brunson and everyone at ClickFunnels.
The wizards allow you to;
I get it…there’s a lot to take in here.
My recommendation is to jump on the free training/webinar with Jim Edwards and Russell Brunson.
Video Transcript: Funnel Scripts Free Downloadello my name is Judd and welcome to
this video on funnel scripts free
download now unfortunately guys there is
not a free download of the entire funnel
scripts program I will get show you how
you can get the amazing headline
generator though absolutely free but the
main difference is this is the funnel
script software you're gonna get tons
and tons of scripts here literally it's
gonna save you hundreds of thousands of
dollars not to mention time plus you get
all the different bonus software's
included as well you get the perfect
webinar wizard the VSL wizard master
class wizard and so on so you're getting
six additional pieces of software so if
you're not using funnel scripts and
you're a funnel hacker you're crazy so
get on board now the headline generator
I'll put a link below you guys can try
this for free it's limited though you're
only gonna get a few headlines and it's
only giving you a few answers whereas if
you were to do the killer headline
script you're gonna get hundreds and
hundreds of different options to use so
keep in mind this is going to be limited
it's not the full full deal but it'll
give you an idea of how it works and
you'll still get some great ideas so I
will include this below as it says here
right you just fill out the form answer
these questions whack the button as Jim
would say and you'll get some great idea
so that is final scripts free download
that's all there is
as far as and say all there is but
that's what there is available is the
headline amazing headline script
generator so enjoy thanks for watching
and have a great day