I get it, you wouldn’t buy a car before you take it for a test drive.
There is not a Funnel Scripts Trial of the complete software. However, you can try the Headline Generator for free.
This will give you a great “sample” of what Funnel Scripts is capable of. And, you can start using the headlines asap.
Get The Funnel Scripts Trial
Just click on the image below to get started with the FREE headline generator. No email required!
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Video Transcript: Funnel Scripts Trial
ey there this is Jed I'll bring andwelcome to this video on funnel scriptstrial so if you are looking to give thegood old funnel scripts a try you are ingood luck you can actually try thefunnel scripts headline generator nowthere's not a complete free trial of thesoftware there's over 60 scripts so youdo not get access to all that but youcan use which is probably the mostpopular script in there all the scriptsare amazing but this is one that Imyself use on probably a daily basis ifnot every other day and it is fantasticthis is the amazing headline scriptgenerator and what this does isgenerates headlines for you now you geta chance to kind of sample it here it'llask you a series of questions it kind ofguides you through what you need to putin here and then when you're done youjust simply hit the build button I won'tgo through and answer all these for youbut you can see here the questions righttell you know what's your audience andthen it gives you examples underneathhere to kind of use as a guidelinewhat's your main keyword topic a secondkeyword topic big result that they wantright do they want to make more money dothey want to lose weight second bigresult they want what pain are theygoing through what's a roadblock that'skeeping them and then what time framecan you deliver this awesome thing andwhat this is gonna do is is print out Ithink it's about 30 maybe a little bitmore headlines don't quote me on thatthat you could start working with todayso you can start split testing a/btesting your headlines and use these anyway you wantI use them for headlines I use them forsometimes I used them for questionsfirst maybe a Facebook post or email orsomething like that but majority of thetime I'm using them for my landing pagesand I can tell you right now it'sabsolutely amazing so now with the fallversion you're going to get a lot moreheadline options to work with you'regoing to get variations of warcold options and it's going to print outI think it's close to a hundredheadlines so it's pretty amazing but Iwill put a link below for you guys youcan give this a try it'll link you rightto this you don't need to sign in or doanything and you can start going throughthe headline generator and start workingwith those and then if you want to tryout the full software you can head overhere and get it or watch the web classalright thanks for watching please likesubscribe have a great dayand that's it guys that was a funnelscripts trial thank you so much