How I Make Passive Income With YouTube And ClickFunnels

I have been a ClickFunnels use for some time now. But, I only used it to build landing pages and funnels for my clients. I never realized the true power of the software until recently when attended the Funnel A

It wasn’t until recently that i started to promote ClickFunnels as an affiliate marketer.

Best ClickFunnels Affiliate Training

I heard about a guy in the ClickFunnels Facebook group named Spencer Mecham. Spencer was the first affiliate with ClickFunnels to earn one million dollars in a year promoting their products.

Think about that for a minute…one million dollars as an affiliate. So he actually sold well over two million because he received 40% commissions. That’s insane!

No other company out there offer 40% commissions and lifetime cookies. In case your new to affiliate marketing a cookie is what’s used to track your affiliate link when people click on it.

I took Spencer’s training back in January and started applying his tactics immediately.

Watch Spencer’s FREE Master Class Here

Just like in my blog if you click on this ClickFunnels link and sign up for the 14-day Free trial then become a monthly user I get paid.

What’s cool about ClickFunnels is if you click on my link today but don’t decide to buy for another 6 months or even a year I still get paid.

What’s important here is to see the big picture. This compounds over time. The more clicks the more opportunities to make money.

So How Do I Do It

Like I mentioned above the more clicks the more opportunities. So the way I make money with YouTube and ClickFunnels is by searching relevant keywords.

Example; how to use clickfunnels, whats is clickfunnels, how to make money with clickfunnels

After I do some research on long tail keywords people are actually looking for I then make a short 3-5 minute video touching them or providing value.

When the video is over I simply say “If you would like to try out ClickFunnels for free click the link below in the description.” And that link is…my affiliate link!

I use a tool called Bitly to shorten the link so its not long and ugly.

Affiliate Secrets 2.0

If you’re serious about making a passive income with ClickFunnels or any product for that matter I highly recommend taking Affiliate Secrets 2.0.

This training has more than paid for itself. And just a disclaimer…results may vary.

But, If you want to learn about Google Ads, Keywords, YouTube Videos, SEO and Blogging to make a passive income then this is the best place to start in my opinion.

You can see in the image below my passive earnings are just over $400 and growing up each month. I spend about an hour a week making videos. I plan on kicking it into high gear to earn even more

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Trial Today And Get These 8 Bonuses FREE!

  • BONUS #1: One Hour Coaching Call! (VALUE $197)

  • BONUS #2: Funnel Review And Set-Up (VALUE $897)

  • BONUS #3: 30 Share Funnels (VALUE $497)

  • BONUS #4: Million Dollar Ad Swipe Library (VALUE $197)

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