If you’re looking to get more buyers the best place to start is to implement a funnel and automate it. The problem with traditional websites is that it’s not built to sell. It’s built to inform and look pretty. But, when you start to implement a ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel you can have both!
Funnels help to take your prospect on a journey while a website is really just a glorified brochure. It’s where we go to get info. The majority of realtors are doing it all wrong. They are relying on the broker’s website to do the work. But, here’s the problem with that.
When homebuyers land on your website from Facebook, Instagram or any other platform they got lost. You are just hoping and praying that they actually enter their email and phone number so you can follow up.
Download Your FREE Funnel Here!
ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel
Why ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel’s For Realtors Work
Most realtors are stuck in the old way of doing things. Relying solely on referrals, open houses, presentations, and sending people to a website to “have a look”. When you send people to a funnel instead they only have one choice and that’s to give their information. Funnels provide the steps necessary to take a postnational home buyer from cold to hot.
A ClickFunnels Real Estate Funnel also gives you the option to add surveys and videos. As we all know video is king right now. What could be better than a personal message from you telling the prospect the exact steps to take?
Use the funnel wherever you put your link. On Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform. Don’t be like the other 99% of realtors out there. Download your free funnel today and see the power!
Video Transcript: ClickFunnels For Real Estate Funnel
hello my name is Jed I'll bring andwelcome to this video on clickfunnelsfor real estate so I wouldn't want to dois show you here a prettystraightforward funnel setup forRealtors and how to generate leads andthis is a funnel that you can use onyour Facebook page Instagram pretty muchanywhere you put a link your emails andstart growing your business and growingsales funnels now this is a funnel thatoriginally was done by spencer Meachemwho is a friend and fellow funnelbuilder and i've taken the design made afew tweaks to it and you can do so aswell and make it your own now one thingto keep in mind with with funnels isknowing you know obviously knowing whereyour traffic comes from now mostRealtors they use their existing realtorcompany's website it's kind of like acookie cutter website so some of thelarger canning and stray and parentWarner places like that they have astraightforward website that all oftheir reps use now the problem with thatis when you send people to that websiteyour clients or your potential clientspotential homebuyers they're kind oflost they don't know where to go so withthe funnel is you can take them down thepath you want to take them to right theyonly have two choices they can obviouslyleave but what we want them to do isobviously take action right we want themto click this button so let's say forexample this is a link that you have onyour facebook right and you're about asection or maybe you're an Instagramuser this would be the link that youwould use in Instagram this ismobile-friendly so if you use somethinglike link tree right now this would kindof replace that and it's obviously muchmore powerful than that and this wouldbe the link right and and you could putwhatever domain you want up here that'sjust a simple copy and paste and youwould have yearly your your lead magnethere in this case it's you know send usyour free list you get the idea youmake it whatever you want right send methe for free list they click here andthen it's going to tell them to add intheir information I'll go ahead and putin all my stuff here please don't emailme yes I would love itit says here would you also beinterested in our free and you can putin whatever you want under this underthat you might even offer maybe in yourlocal area maybe you have a coupon orsomething I like to do with all of mylead magnets depending on what it is Ilike to offer a free phone consultation20 minutes 30 minutes an hour sodepending on how you operate and do yourbusiness this is a great place to kindof get people on board right away yessend me the list they click here ofcourse you can put your own pictures andads in the back here excellent yourexclusive home list is on the way and itgives them tells them what to do checkyour email lists will arrive in the next10 minutes if you're ready to getstarted right away they can then clickon this button so it's you know we'retelling them what to do every step ofthe way and that's what makesclickfunnels so powerful and we're onlyscratching the surface of what funnelscan do yes contact me for moreinformation and what this would do issend them to an additional contact formyou can put in whatever you need to dohere right could send it you can connectthis to a tool called zapier which isfree which would then send you anautomated text or an email saying youhave a new contact they want to call youor this could link to your calendar yourcalendar calendarI think what's the other one acuity isthat it so any of your calendarseverything works works pretty mucheverything will connect withclickfunnels so you can add all of thathere it again this is all copy and pastestuff guys and that's and that's how youwould use that with the funnel and letme show you how easy it is to actuallyedit in here so let's say let's go tothis opt-in pageand I'll show you this is the back endof clickfunnelsbut just to show you how easy it is touse there's zero coding or anythingI mean you click in here right changeyour textof course if I don't like that font Ican just click on this gear putt buttonhere I have all the google fonts I canchange it to any of these fonts I wantright anything you want to do here I canmake it bigger smaller I can change thecolorokay so you get the picture if I don'twant to collect their name I just wanttheir email I can just simply deletethat this is kind of cool here thiscreates a little urgency also kind oflets them know hey you're almost donethis isn't it kind of take up too muchof your time you could do that you canyou know change this too you can make itany kind of color you want dependingagain on your theme or you can get ridof it all together if you don't like itand just do that you can change kind ofwhere these are on the on the landingpage so all this stuff you can changethe color of the button okayyou can go to your more advanced toolsand you can change things like you canadd a little fun button effect hereright make it pop up and down and that'sit guys in the background picture if youdon't like this background you simplyclick on here boom you can add whateverpicture you want okay so you can add allyour own see I just changed that thenyou can put whatever picture you want soyou can take pictures of actual homesthat you already have and put them onhere this is a super super easy you toolto use guys it is super user friendlyand it will absolutely change the wayyou do business online if you'reinterested in this funnel guys you canget it absolutely free it is yours Iwill put a link below if you're aclickfunnels user this will load upright into your account if you're not aclick photos user don't worry you canstill use it you will have a free 14-daytrial go ahead and click the link belowget started thank you so much have agreat day