Split Testing is probably the smartest thing you can do as an internet marketer. You can test the images, headlines and even the colors. You never know what will make someone “click”.
Here’s How To Test ClickFunnels
In your ClickFunnels dashboard select the “Create Variation” option. This will create a duplicate of your original landing page or funnel step.
You can A/B test all steps in your funnel.
Split Testing Duplicate
From here you simply want to create a duplicate. When creating your duplicate it’s important to double-check your “Settings” tab and make sure you re-connect your autoresponder and add any Pixels, Tags or code from original.
After you create the duplicate you can use slide bar and take it to the 50% mark. ClickFunnels will automatically send equal amounts of traffic to both funnel steps.
It’s important to get plenty of opt-ins and visits before choosing your winning page. I recommend 1000 visits or 100 opt-ins before deciding.
After carefully reviewing your stats simply hover your mouse over the winning funnel and select. This will move this step to the “control” position. Now you can run another split test of the winning variation until you have a moneymaker!
IMPORTANT: Only test one element at a time. I like to test just my headlines first. I will run several A/B tests until I find a winner. Then I will test things like button color, images, and fonts.
Video Transcript: How To Test ClickFunnels
hello and welcome to this video on howto test click funnels so when you'relooking to test your funnels and clickfunnels or do an a/b testing or splittesting it's a pretty simple process andyou have two options so what I want todo is don't worry about what I'm doinghere I'm gonna cancel this out and thenwe'll come back to this okay so in yourfunnel within click funnelsyou have your various steps Upton salesorder upsell or maybe you simply have anopt-in and a thank you so you can youcan test any variation of these pages sowhat I'm about to show you here and willapply to all pages now I just so youknow I am NOT positive on the order formI have never done a split test with thepricing order form I believe it can bedone but what I'm going to show you hereis just a basic split test for opt-insand Thank You pages and so forth so whatyou'll do is you'll have your templatesetup here and then you're just going tosimply create a variation so this isoption number one and well let me justshow you both at the same time here soyou have two you can do a duplicate oryou can just simply create a wholetemplate okay my recommendation is tosimply just create a duplicate and thereason being is because when you createa whole new template it's going to bevery hard to get accurate data accuratesplit testing data the reason being isthis template could be all orange andthis and that you might create acompletely different template that saydoesn't have an image that has differentcolors different fonts and that's notgoing to give you accurate data what youwant to do is just create a duplicatefrom the page and then test one elementat a time okay so what I'm talking aboutelements I'm talking about the image orthe text or the button or the font allthese little things can be tested so ifyou look here this is an exact copy ofmy original page now one thing I mightdo to split test this is I might do adifferent copy of my lead magnet so I'dkeep everything the same but I mightchange this lead magnet cover toGreen instead of orange or black insteadof orange or red instead of orange butkeep everything else the same so when Irun a split test I know hey the color ofthe book is making a big difference inpeople giving me their information orwhat I would do is I would change theheadline typically I start with theheadline first and then I'd start toworry about aesthetics color so I wouldwork on changing all these headlines andjust changed their language around alittle bit you know put a different hookon this landing page than you do on theother landing page then once you find awinning headline then you can start tosplit test stuff like the color of thisor the color of the button or the typeof font okay now when you do a splittest it's very important to go up toyour settings and double check yourintegrations your SEO your trackingcodes custom CSS and typically whatyou're gonna have to do is reinstallyour riad your integration I don't knowwhy that is but it just it doesn'thappen so you do have to go back add inyour email service provider make sureyour tracking codes and everything isthe same okay now once you've done thatyou're just going to exit outand this is real simple here simply dragthis button okay now I assume you'regonna want to test 50 50 most people doso you're just going to do 50 here 50here now the link that you will put inyour ads or in your you know to gettraffic whatever you're doing will bewhatever link you created for this so ifit's my website comm /opt in that is thelink you will give to people andclickfunnels will automatically split itbetween this and this so don't worryabout knowing this URL as long as yougive them original URL you had for thisit'll equally split between the two so Ihit apply changesand you're good to go now what Irecommend doing is allowing for at leasta hundred opt-ins if you can to getaccurate data and once you've had youknow about a hundred opt-ins or athousand visits then you can go up toyour stats button here now I'm not gonnahave any stats for this because this isa test and then you'll go to the opt-inand you'll click here it'll show youyour control version which is youroriginal and it'll show you yourvariation which is the split test thatyou created and you'll get all yourpercentages here so clearly if thevariation is performing at over fiftypercent this is going to be your winnerso the way you go to select the pagethat you want to use after doing thesplit test is just to come back hoverover it it'll say declare as winner youpress that button hit OK and it'll movethis one over here boom so now you canrun ads to this winning headline andthis is the only time where I'd startchanging colors so now that I know thisis the winning landing page with thewinning headline I do another split testhere and then I would change saying thecolor of the button or I might changethe color of the e-book but only onething at a time please subscribe likeand share if you enjoyed this video andhave a great day