Legendary Marketer Review 15 Day Challenge Day 12 – $2K+ IN BONUSES

Hey guys, how you doing? This is Judd Albring and welcome to the review of Legendary Marketer 15-Day Challenge. This is day number 12. If you’re new here, please subscribe. It would mean a lot to me. Also, I will put a link below for you to get started with the Legendary Marketer. With my bonuses, I have over $2,000 worth of bonuses for you guys just for signing up for the Challenge. 

Legendary Marketer Review 15 Day Challenge Day 12

The Challenge cost $7 guys, that’s it. And it’s been absolutely amazing. So check it out. I’ll put that link below for you guys and let’s get into it. Okay. I am an affiliate for Legendary Marketer, so we do sign up. I appreciate it. And those bonuses come from me guys. Those are coming from legendary. You’re going to get bonuses from legendary as well. They have all kinds of great stuff in there, so definitely check it out if you’ve been following along.

So day 12, let’s get into this. Day 12 is outsourcing. And what I love about this is I, I’ve been doing online marketing for about over four years now. It’s in between four and five, I say anyways, depending on what my wife tells you. But especially as an affiliate marketer, I’ve really been ho cranking in on my affiliate marketing business and only my Phillip market visiting for over a year now. 

So prior to that I was doing Facebook ads and Facebook leads for companies and I just didn’t like that model because I was doing a lot of trading time for money. Now as an affiliate marketer gives me a lot more freedom, but I learned a lot of great skills that I can use here, like ads and so forth. But I’m still learning a ton and affiliate marketing and I always will be. But one thing I’ve been hesitant to do and I’m doing, I’m going to start doing now is outsourcing.


So what Dave talks about here is, is outsourcing. And you might think, well, it’s too expensive or I don’t need to get, and you may not need it right away, but eventually you’re probably gonna want some help. Especially if you’re using like a platform like YouTube talks about how you can get really cheap outsourcing virtual assistants for like five bucks an hour. 

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And basically all you’re doing is you record the video, you put it into a Dropbox file and they take the video, upload it, they put all the tags in it, they put all the descriptions, everything, you know, you have like a checklist for them. So it’s basically telling you what this, what this part is, is showing you how to do it the smart way. You know, how to how to do it, how to do it the smart way to help you scale your business.

Cause ultimately you want to scale and you can’t do that on your own and you need to, you know, trust other people. Also, you know, it’s things like let’s say at first year you have, let’s say you have, if you have time but not money, you can do a lot of this yourself and maybe you have a little bit of money and you’re coming into this business new, but you don’t have the time. You can outsource things like funnel building, lead generation, email writing, all that stuff. 

Legendary Marketer Resources For Outsourcing

You can use places like Upwork and freelance, even Fiverr for some of that. I like to do it myself. I think it’s good to learn how to build funnels and write copy and emails. But what I’m going to start doing for a virtual assistant is get somebody to help me upload these videos and eventually to help me know, kind of maintain like comments and little things like that.

So only spending a couple of hundred bucks that is going to save me hours and hours of time. Also, it’s gonna help me make more money because I can produce more content. So that’s the way I look at it. And then what he talks about here too is if you’re going to hire a VA, it should be for specific tasks, right? 

So not, not a general, not just a general dual assistant. It should be like, okay your job is to upload videos or your, you know, your job is to upload and edit videos. And then you know, you want to be very specific what it is they’re doing. You know, you see a lot of times, Oh you might be doing this, you might be doing that. You know, if you’ve ever had a job where you might be getting coffee one day and then the next day you’re out with a client.

That’s not what you want to do here. You want to be specific. Cause you also want them to be good at what they do. And you want to hire someone that says, I do videos. That’s what I do. So keep that in mind. So I’m going to keep the short and sweet guys, but this is a really great, it’s only about a 12 minute lesson, but it really kind of opens up your eyes and ears to what’s possible and also to what’s affordable for outsourcing and helping you grow and scale your business. 

So thanks so much for watching this review. Legendary Marketer, 15-Day Challenge. This was day number 12 all about outsourcing. I’ll put a link below. Guys, you can get my bonuses. Thank you so much. Have a good one.

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