Legendary Marketer Review 15 Day Challenge Day 13 – $2K+ IN BONUSES


Hey guys, how you doing? Judd Albring here and welcome back to the Legendary Marketer or 15-Day Challenge review. This is day number 13. If you’ve been following along, I hope this has been helpful for you guys to make a decision on whether or not you want to get started with Legendary Marketer. I highly recommend it. It has absolutely been fantastic for me. 

Legendary Marketer 15-Day Challenge review

And I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for several years, internet marketing for four plus years. And I’ve really, my main business now is just strictly focusing on the affiliate side because I don’t like the headaches that come with all the other businesses. I like promoting other people’s products. They don’t have to deal with the customer service and the returns and the sales and all that stuff. All I have to do is provide value and I get rewarded in return. And Legendary Marketer has an amazing affiliate program.

I’m an affiliate for them. So if you do click on one of my links, I appreciate it. I do get paid. But it’s, it teaches you so much more than that. And then you’ve probably, you’ve seen that falling along, whether you want affiliate for them or somebody else, or you just want to start an online business, you’re truly learning the skills that you need here. 

So number 13 guys, let’s get into it. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, please do would mean a lot to me. Also, I’m going to put a link guys with my bonuses. So these are my bonuses, not Legendary Marketer bonuses. If you do sign up, you’re going to get access to over $2,000 worth of bonuses from me when you complete the 15-Day Challenge. Okay? So number 13 is OPM, right? You know me? Or what does that, what was that song?

Are you done with OPM? Anyways? So OPM is other people’s money, okay? And really what that stands for is, is if you’re, if you’re serious about growing your business, your online business, your affiliate business, you have to invest in yourself, right? You have to have some skin in the game. Now, even with this Legendary Marketer Challenge, it used to be free. And my guess is they’re changes to $7 because so many people were signing up. 

Legendary Marketer Lead Quality

But probably the quality of the leads were not so great, right? Because it was free and people cause they can track on the backend and I can track on the back and I can see people who come in and sign up. You know, I’ve had people that have signed up a couple of weeks ago, they’re still on day two, which means they’re probably not that interested. So I can see where they’re going along in the training and, and you have to have some skin in the game.

Start The Legendary Marketer 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge!

“Online Marketing Education Delivered Simply And With Integrity

I don’t know about you, but I’ve downloaded so many free trainings and books. I’ve never touched them. Not once, maybe looked at the first video and that was it. But if I pay for something, you can darn well guarantee I’m going to, I’m going to go through that content, right? And whether it’s seven bucks, 700 bucks, 7,000 bucks, I’m going to do it. So this is all about having some skin in the game. 

If you want to further yourself, your education, you, it’s going to cost some money. It doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg, but you have to be willing to put some money in. And when you have that skin in the game, it kind of lights that fire under your butt to get started. I bought my first affiliate marketing training about a year ago, a little over a thousand dollars. I’ve spent $500 for one hour coaching sessions.

Actually, it was a two hour coaching session for 500 bucks. You know, I’ve spent 2000 on 2,500 on courses. I’ve spent 5,000 on masterminds, but this has been over the course of a couple of years. But it’s every time I’ve gone, I’ve left with just amazement of what’s possible and it’s helped me grow my business. 

It’s everything has been, I’ve always paid it back. You know, I’ve always, what I’ve learned, I’ve applied those skills and within the first 30, 60, 90 days, maybe six months, I’ve made enough to pay back and then some, so it’s been well worth it. And also it talks about, you know, treating your business as a real entrepreneur or not a wantrepreneur. Everybody talks about wanting to be an entrepreneur and wanting to live the laptop lifestyle, but they don’t want to put in the work. They want everything for free.

They want everything done for them. It just doesn’t work that way. It just doesn’t matter if you’re one of those people probably stop now. It’s not for you. And you really want to focus on the next, you know, next year or more a couple of years is really investing. You know, Dave talks about here is investing into yourself and that your knowledge or training, you know, not silly stuff. 

making money with affiliate marketing

So if you do start making money with affiliate marketing, put that money back into your business, put that money back into yourself. Don’t go buy cars and boats and things like that. Put it into building your business and building yourself. And that’s one of the key things he talks about. But you know, Dave uses a great example here. Dave was a carpenter and he talks about his first few years of getting started in his carpentry business and even when he was making money, he put it back into his business.

He had to buy the tools he needed. He had to buy the hammers and the saws and the drills and all that kind of stuff. He had to buy pickup trucks and everything. He had to buy the tools to grow his business. Same thing in affiliate marketing. Eventually you’re going to buy the tools that you need. You’re going to buy the training, you’re going to buy the tools like ClickFunnels or an email autoresponder. 

You’re slowly going to build your arsenal and build. You’re not gonna all of a sudden make a hundred bucks online and then go bust it. You’re going to take that 100 bucks and you’re going to reinvest it so then you can make more and more and more and grow your business. All right, and then using other people’s, he’s talking about how there’s many different ways and they actually give you a downloadable way here.

A bunch of different tips and tricks on, you know, if money is an issue for you and you wanted to invest in a particular training, all the different ways that you can, you can make it happen. And I know that, I remember, I wanted to go on a training, I think it was last year, I went to a funnel hacking live event, which was life changing and it was it was gonna cost me about thousand dollars for the ticket, about 2000, 3000 for room and board and flight and all that. 

Start The Legendary Marketer 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge!

“Online Marketing Education Delivered Simply And With Integrity

I sat down and talked with my wife and I said, listen, this is why I need to go and this is why I want to go. She’s like, okay, well we’ll make it happen. We’ll figure it out. And we did, you know, we put in a credit cards and we figured it out and it’s been life changing.

Investing in yourself

So those are the kind of the way you have to think. I mean, there’s, if there’s a will, there’s a way. Okay. and he gives a couple of examples here, which was kind of cool. He talks about Richard Branson. Richard Branson took out a loan for $300 when he started his business. So he didn’t bootstrap his business. He took out a loan for $300. 

And now look at him. He’s a multibillionaire. Same thing with Walton, founder of Walmart. He borrowed $25,000 from his dad to start his business and now he’s doing okay. And then you’ve probably heard of these people, and I didn’t know their name at first, but Jerry Zev and Gordon, they’re the founders of Starbucks. When they started Starbucks, they each invested $1,300 of their own money. 

Then they each borrowed additional 5,000 from family and friends to get Starbucks up and running. So they believed in it so much that they, and, and, and others believed in them that they borrowed the money to get started.

So just kind of getting the wheels turning on on there, you know, if you’re looking to further your training, your education, there’s ways you can do it and, and really grow, grow your business. And they put on here, you’ll be able to download what’s called a, a hidden money checklist PDF, which gives you lots of different ideas of ways to resources to get that extra money to invest in some more training on yourself and grow your, grow your business. And then there’s a great video. 

What is it here? Oh, a quote from Tony Robbins, which is resources are never the problem. It’s lack of resourceful ness. So I love that one. And he shows that Tony Robbins video, which is, which is really, really cool. So that is it guys. Basically what it comes down to it and no excuses. If you want to make this work, if you want to make it happen, there are ways to do it. Thank you so much for watching.

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