Hey guys, how are you doing, Judd Albring here and welcome to my video. We’re going to talk about the Legendary Marketer 15-day challenge. This is day number seven. When should I quit my job? Right? That’s the big question everybody wants to know.
Now, before we get into that, and I’ll tell you about day number seven, please subscribe. So if you’re new here or you’re not new here, I love a love for you described, hit that bell notification so you can get more content talking about Affiliate Marketing, working from home, internet marketing, and you know how to get a little more freedom in your life. I’d appreciate it.
I’m going to have some links below here, guys for you to check out the Legendary Marketer program. I do have some great bonuses in there for you. So if you do sign up under me, I have some great bonuses for, for you.
And it’s only seven bucks guys, to do the challenge, right? As I tell everybody, the price of a Chipotle a burrito, you can take one of the best internet marketing, digital marketing training on the planet with Dave Sharpe. Okay, check it out. So let’s get into day number seven, right? So when should I quit my job?
Start The Legendary Marketer 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge!
“Online Marketing Education Delivered Simply And With Integrity“
Now this is a pretty short lesson. It’s about 14 minutes or a training, whatever you want to call it. But what I love about this is it is a question that comes up because you do get, you know, you get that excitement, right? Like what am I, you know, when can I quit my job? And, and everybody’s different. Some people like have a stay at home, work from home, or maybe they have a job they’d been in for like 20 years and they’re looking to make a change.
So everybody’s a little different when it comes to this. So but one thing is, what they talk about here is don’t rush to anything. Even if you, even if your first month you make a million bucks, right? Results may vary. Okay? Don’t quote me on that. But the thing is, is to have some consistency. They talk about in here, right?
Have some consistency, build up your list, build-up, especially if you’re new, right? Build up your list, build up your experience level, and make sure you’ve got that consistent money coming in. And which should go without saying, but there’s a great let me see where it is in here. Okay. Here it is. So Nathan is a good time to quit your job. No, there we go. So Nathan Lucas. Okay. And Nathan Lucas is, you’d probably hear about him a lot with Legendary Marketer.
He is $1 million earner within Legendary Marketer. I don’t know him personally, but I’ve watched all his content. He’s seems like just a super genuine guy. He was a full time and worked for the air force full time, so that’s his career. And he finally, this video is him explaining, Hey, I finally just quit my job now. I think he still works does like the one weekend a month for the air force, which I think is cool and awesome.
And, but he talks about here like w you know, how he went about like finally making the decision to leave his job and do this full time. And, and Nathan was at his job for, I want to say a year or two and making really good money doing Legendary Marketer and Affiliate Marketing. So he probably could have quit his job a long time ago.
But he about here is having the right mental mindset before making that shift and also having enough money, right? I believe he says, you know, having enough money for a year, right? A year’s worth of salary. So you would save up, you know, so for whatever you’re making now and you want to be matching that money with Levitt, Legendary or Affiliate Marketing, you want to basically be able to double your income for at least a year or more. And why not, right? Put that money away, take a percentage of it reinvested into ads or whatever.
But when he talks about here is I believe he waited two years and I think he had been his job for many years, but two years was kind of in the making and then made that switch to doing this full time. So he made sure that he was very comfortable, had, had, had you know, he had proven his methods, he had the money in the bank and he was ready to make the switch. So really, really cool.
It’s a quick watch. It’s 15 minutes. I hope you enjoy this Legendary Marketer. Guys, stay tuned for date eight and I’ll keep rocking and rolling through day 15. If you’d like to get started. Legendary Marketer again, it’s only seven bucks. My link is below. I have some great bonuses for you guys that will you sign it to me as an affiliate and I hope you join up. It is an amazing training, guys. I look forward to seeing you on the other side.