Hey guys, how are you doing? Judd Albring here and welcome back to yet another review of the Legendary Marketer 15-day challenge. This is day nine. Guys, if you haven’t signed up for this yet, you’re insane. Get in here. It is. It’s, it’s actually an absolutely killer. It’s, it’s, I’m having a blast. I love it. So check it out and I’ve only been doing, so this is day nine. I’ve actually, I’m up to date 12.
Legendary Marketer Review Day 9
And then I’ve been, I’ve just, I’ve been so crazy with these that I don’t have time to keep recording these videos, but I want to show you guys something. So even not even completed this program. I’ve already made $149.79. Okay. So you could see here last seven days. So I am just getting started with this and I’m already making money and I haven’t finished the training, so pretty, pretty fricking cool.
Now results may vary. I can’t guarantee that or anything like that, but I want to show you what I’m doing and I’m just getting started. So I’m loving it so far. It’s so great. So let’s go back to the challenge. This is day number nine about high-income skill number one, lead generation. Let me bring up my notes because I don’t want to forget anything here. I have them hidden down below.
So another great video by Dave guys. I’m really, really digging his stuff and I love his approach. He’s straightforward, he’s real, he’s honest, he’s legit. But lead generation when he talks about in this video is obviously lead generation is a priceless skill and it’s something you’re going to use every single day, right?
Keep Growing Your Affiliate Marketing Business
Cause you constantly need to be fueling the fire to grow your business. Okay. and what he talks about here, which is interesting, is he talks about a example of like a brick and mortar store is like a sandwich shop, right?
Start The Legendary Marketer 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge!
“Online Marketing Education Delivered Simply And With Integrity“
Not everybody who comes into the shop is going to buy a sandwich. So you got to keep people coming in, coming in, coming in, right? Cause you can’t guarantee everyone that opens that door is going to buy. You can’t guarantee everyone that clicks on your link is going to buy.
So you constantly need people coming in. And in this training, he does an interview with a gentleman named Mark Halbert who is one of the top earners with Legendary Marketer and has been an internet marketing for many, many years.
But what he talks about here is lead generation and you know, solving the pain and going from there that a lot of, you know a lead right is not a sale lead as a lead. You have to nurture them, you have to give them value, you have to provide. And that’s why a lot of people say the fortune is in the followup.
Legendary Marketer Leads
Once a lead comes in, right? A lead meaning an email, a lead is not a click, a lead is an email. Then you’ve got to nurture them along the way and, and provide value. And eventually, hopefully right, they’re going to buy from you and you don’t need this I this, you don’t need a million people to make good money.
He talks about an a here is that, you know, people are making a six figure income with 500 to a hundred dedicated people. So, depending on what you sell, you know, and if you’re selling high ticket items you can make good money. You don’t need, you don’t need to spray and pray. A lot of people go out there and think they need to advertise to 100 million people. I’d rather advertise to 100,000 people who want exactly what I want or what I have, right?
So check that out. They talks about good leads versus bad leads. The most powerful lead is someone who’s actually searching for something online. So buyer intent. And that’s why I love YouTube is because people are searching for stuff like how to how can I where can I, that sort of thing. So video is very, very powerful. And blogs, right? Anything search engine optimization.
So that is day nine, lead generation. Super, super cool stuff guys. I will put a link below guys, if you do sign up for Legendary Marketer under me, I appreciate it. I am an affiliate for them. I am loving this training. Like I said, I’ve already made 150 bucks.
Not bad.
I have over $2,000 worth of bonuses for you. You can check them out in the link below. Get started, have any questions, let me know and I wish you all the best. We’ll see you in the Legendary Marketer 15-day challenge. Day 10.