Passive Income From Home When You Sleep


Hey guys, so you want to learn about passive income. You want to make money while you sleep well, is it possible? We’re going to find out now there are traditionally two ways of making passive income. Now the most common way people make passive income is through rental properties and the other way people make income passively is online. I’m going to talk to you about both here in a second.

Best Passive Income

Now make sure you stick around to the end because I have a bonus for you guys where I’m going to show you exactly how I make passive income online. It’s a stay at home dad working a few hours a week. Now I’m passively earning a thousand to 2000 bucks a month for most people, that’s a lot of extra income coming in for not doing that much work, so stick around. Now, make sure you subscribe to my channel.

I do all kinds of stuff here online about how to make money online, how to make money passively. We talk about affiliate marketing and legit ways that you can earn money from home, whether you’re a stay at home dad stayed home, mom, student, anyone looking to make additional income, subscribe to the channel. I have new videos coming out every single week. So real quick, a little bit about me guys.

I am a stay at home dad and I had been a stay at home dad for going on five years now. Now when I first started to make extra money looking for side jobs, side hustles, I was trading time for money.But what I hated the most and drove me nuts was I had to trade time for money.

So I had to go do the job in order to get paid, which took me away from my family and also was not a lot of money at the end of the day. So that’s when I really started to research how to make money online, especially how to do it passively. And now I’m comfortably earning a thousand to 2000 a month in my spare time as a stay at home dad. And I don’t know about you, but that’s great additional income and a lot of people that could change their lives. So I talk about true tested methods here.

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Passive Income For Beginners

I’m no guru, I’m just somebody who’s been doing this for a couple of years and I think I’ve nailed down the system. So again, make sure you stick around to the end. And I’m gonna show you my exact method to do this. Now first, let’s talk about rental property. So a lot of people, when they hear about passive income, if you’ve read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, rich dad, poor dad, he talks about rental property.

Basically what the rich do and what the poor do. So a rental property is considered passive income because you are not directly involved. So you buy a property, you have a property management company, run it for you, and then here you are in the middle of getting paid that check.

Now a couple of downsides with that, don’t get me wrong, there are people who do very well with it, but a couple of the downsides are number one is you need to have some money to get started. Okay?

You need to buy the property, you need to pay them the company to run it for you. When things break down, you have to fix it. So there are a lot of headaches that are involved with that and there’s a considerable amount of training if you want to do it correctly. So that is what passive income is.

Okay? You’ve got checks coming in every month from a rental property that you own. I live in Chicago. I know people that own rental properties all over the, all over the city, and do they make good money?

Sure, some of them do, but there’s a lot of headaches that come along with it. Now, the main way most people like to make passive income is online now. But the big question is, is it truly passive? Well, yes and no. You have to put some work in on the backend to get paid down the road.

So what I consider passive income is, for instance, I have a blog and I have this YouTube channel on my blog. I write articles and I share my videos from my YouTube channel. And what I do is I put affiliate links into those articles. So I have a couple different softwares that I promote and a couple of different training programs that I promote all programs that I’ve ticked that I either use myself programs that I’ve taken or software that I use myself.

So I highly recommend if you get into affiliate marketing, you promote what you already used and what you know, right? Because people can see through the BS. So I only promote products and services that I use myself. And if people like what they’ve read or like what they say here on YouTube, they click on that link and they decide to buy that product or that service. And I get a percentage.

That to me is passive income because I have done the work a month ago, two months ago, three months ago, and I could wake up tomorrow and have a commission in and my bank account or the next day or the month after. I’m now at a point where all the work I’ve done in the past, it’s starting to pay me on a regular basis, a thousand to $2,000 a month. And some of that is reoccurring, meaning these are software programs that people are using.

Guaranteed that money every single month. Now that is real passive income. Okay. so that’s the great thing. Now I do this in two different methods. I have a blog, a see if I can’t pop it up here somewhere for you. And then I have my YouTube channel. And what I do is I use them together. So whenever I do a video, I also put that video on my blog and then I write an article. So I’m covered here for search terms on, on YouTube. And I’m also covered for search on Google.

And if you don’t know, Google owns YouTube, they’re the two largest search engines in the world. Google number one, YouTube number two. So the easiest way to get up and started with something like this and earning passive income is to start learning how to do affiliate marketing. And then once you learn how to get the systems in place, setting up things like sales funnels and emails, and you can do this for very low cost to no cost to get started.

So don’t worry about that is to figure out what it is that you want to talk about, what it is that, think about the products and services that are using now. And you can go into Google and type in golf clubs slash affiliate program and you’re going to find tons of stuff or it’s fishing or it’s cooking. There are affiliate programs for just about anything.

Affiliate Marketing And Making Money Online

I personally choose to affiliate with companies that provide services for online entrepreneurs to make money. So software to help them build websites and sales funnels. And I also training programs that teach people how to do affiliate marketing. And I prefer to do high ticket products. So when I promote something, I get paid 40%. If you promote on something like Amazon, you might get paid two, three, 5%. It’s a very low ticket where I’m getting 40% on either.

It could be $100 sale, thousand dollars sale, $5,000 sale, $10,000 sale. So I’m doing the same amount of work, but I’m getting paid a much higher commission. So that is what I recommend. I’m just checking my notes here guys. And if you’ve ever tried to make passive income online before, let me know in the comments because it can be difficult. It can be challenging. A lot of people fail. I have failed over and over, but the biggest problem is I didn’t quit. Okay.

My #1 Recommendation

That’s the big difference. You have to keep going. You have to keep going. And then eventually you have that breakthrough and you’re like, aha, I get it. And then that passive income really starts coming in. If you’ve liked this video and this has been helpful for you, please, please like and subscribe below. And also I’m going to put that link below guys where you can check out my video and learn how I make money passively on online.

Interested in learning affiliate marketing and making money passively from home online? Check out the link here and get started today. Thank you so much.

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