Video Transcript: Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge Day 1
hey guys how you doing jet all bringhere and welcome to this video onlegendarymarketer 15 day challenge day 1 so mygoal for this is as I go through thechallenge I’ve already eight daysthrough the challenge I’m gonna startrecording videos for each day of thechallenge and I’m just going to give youa little overview of what to expect andthen I will provide links below for thenext day challenge and so on so aftereach day I’ll put a link for the nextday’s video and so on also please stickaround till the end I do have somekiller bonuses for you guys if you dodecide to get started with the 15 daychallenge it’s an amazing amazing onlinebusiness challenge so far I am loving itI’m more than halfway through it andit’s just been absolutely amazing solet’s dive right in guys this is day 1so if you’re not familiar with the withlegendary marketer it is a onlinebusiness training platform this is not acourse guys this is an actual trainingand there’s a huge difference there’slots of courses out there that you canget shopify ecommerce how to make moneyon YouTube how to make money onInstagram how to make money on Facebookall that kind of stuff this is actualtraining this is like going to collegeor a fraction of the cost rightand this challenge if you don’t knowguys it used to be free now it’s onlyseven dollars seven dollars it’s aone-time payment guys seven dollars toliterally learn how to build an onlinebusiness right how to build an onlinebusiness system that’s going to work foryou 24/7 and day one is all about rightthe Machine putting it together kind ofunderstanding the basics of puttingtogether a business right and in thiscase an affiliate marketing business sowhat I love about this is affiliatemarketing if you’re not familiar with itit’s really just your the middlemanselling a product or service forsomebody else so it’s like if you belongto a gym and you go to the gym and theysay hey recommend this gym to yourbuddies and we’ll give you a free monthor we’ll give you half off if you lovegoing tothat gym why wouldn’t you tell a friendor a family member hey man come check itout here’s a free pass and if you likeit hey I get a free month so come checkit out right you’re gonna tell them howgreat the weights are you’re gonna tellthem how great the classes are how coolthe people are right how much you lovethe locker rooms and all that kind ofstuff you’re going to tell them thetruth you’re gonna tell them about stuffyou love and that’s an affiliatemarketer myself I only promote productsthat I love and I use so right now I usevarious autoresponders and software andother software’s and sales funnelbuilders and I’ve been using these forseveral years so when I affiliate forthose products and I talked about them Italked about them with passion andhonesty and that and I make money whenpeople click on my links and buy thoseproducts that’s what this is and you cando this with any products I don’t careif you’re into fishing if you’re intogolf if you’re into cars if you’re intoknitting if you’re into cookingeverything you learn in this trainingyou can apply to whatever it is you’repassionate about and you can make moneywith it online so you can promote thelegendary marketer program you canpromote whatever you want it gives youthe foundation and the training to goout there and make money doing whateverit is that you love to do and this thisday one is all about building thatmachine and putting the process togetherso now apologize if I look off to theright I wrote some notes down and what’sreally cool about this is Dave breaksout for you and if you’re not familiarDave sharp is the founder of legendarymarketer he has built several onlinebusinesses he’s been and been in thebusiness for over 10 years now and hashas done seven figures Plus and hisbusinesses and truly a smart guy with aremarkable story and in the beginningthis day one he’s talking about how toput together your sales funnel right ifyou’re not familiar with the salesfunnel sales funnel is basically justlike a series of websites that leadpeople through the process right througha sales funnel so you’re getting them togo from A to Z you want them to takeaction with a traditional website rightif you just send people to a websiteit’s like a glorified brochure nowthere’s nothing wrong with your websiteif you have a website now but it’s morea place for people to kind of gatherinformation learn a little bit about youa sales funnel is is kind of the secretweapon that onlinecritters digital marketers use to getsales to generate leads so right out ofthe gate Dave and his team is showingyou how to use a sales funnel to makemoney online now I remember when I firstgot started online marketing severalyears ago I paid someone I think it wasabout ten or twelve thousand dollars noBS my wife she about lost her top when Idid this to build an e-commerce siteI was selling different I was in thefitness niche and I was selling clothesand exercise equipment I thought it wasgonna be a millionaire I was like thisis it this is the goldmine guess howmuch money I made zero nada nothing itwas this huge website I spent 12 grandthere was like a team of four working onit and I had no clue what I was doing Ithought because it looked good and itwas beautiful and all the pictures I wasgonna make a fortune and I didn’t Iwasted so much money sales funnels youcan build and literally you could have afunnel built in less than 30 minutes andyou can buy software to do it for lessthan a hundred bucks right so it’s justamazing how this worksand Dave takes you through how to dothat he tells you a little bit about hisstory you know he used to be a carpenterhe didn’t go past the ninth grade and hetalks about how when you’re gettingstarted in business right just like withhim working in carpentry you wouldn’tjust take a hammer and just startpounding away pounding away poundingaway right your hammer is your tool butyou need a blueprint to know how to howto use that hammer right how to build abeautiful house so really this is thisday one is showing you the tools youneed to be successful online and heexplains it to you in just such a greatway it’s such a simple way between thewebsite and the sales funnel so this isjust day one is packed with greatinformation it’s less than an hour it’sactually 51 minutes so these trainingswere short and sweet they’re about 20minutes to an hour but there’s tons andtons of information and another greatexample Dave’s uses in here with a witha sales funnel and selling stuff onlineis MacDonald so if you’ve ever beenMcDonald’s you probably have when you gothrough the drive-thru you mightorder just a cheeseburger you mightorder just a coke well every time you gothrough McDonald’s that’s just one bigsales funnel right and what doesMcDonald’s do do you want fries withthat do you want a shake do you wantthis do you want that so you go inthinking you’re gonna spend 3 bucks youleave spending 10 or more so that inessence is the sales funnel and that iswhat you’re gonna learn in this trainingright how to take something that costs$10 and turned it into $100 pretty coolstuff and so that’s really theessentials of day one guys is how to putyour sales funnel together Dave givesDave gives you a little bit informationabout about him and its background whereit came from but it really gives you agood understanding of putting theMachine together putting the process inplace and when you watch this first dayone guys it’s super exciting because youlook at it you’re like I can do thisright I can do this so as I promised youguys bonuses listen if you want to getstarted with a challenge again it’s onlyseven dollars guys it’s a one one-timepayment I have a link below in thedescription it’ll take you to my pagefirst where I will explain to you thebonuses you’re gonna get it’s over twothousand dollars worth of bonuses guys Iam an affiliate for a legendary marketerso if you click under my link and buyunder my link I thank you very much forthat and I’m gonna do my best to supportyou guys in this journey whether youpromote for a legendary marketer or youwant to sell your own stuff online Ihave a private Facebook group for peoplethat go through the 50 day challenge andI will do my best to share with you myexperience of someone who’s been usingsales funnels for going on five yearsnow lead generation Facebook leadsYouTube all that good stuff and I cantell you for someone who’s been doingthis for several years just in day onewithin the first 20 minutes I waslearning something new so I don’t carewhere you are in your journey if you’rebrand new if you’re season you will getsomething from this click on the linkbelow give it a shot it’s 15 days it’sseven dollars guys and again I got tonsof great bonuses for you and I lookforward to seeing you on the other sideand again I will put a link for day twoso you can check that out and pleasesubscribe if you like this click thatBell icon and give me a couple likestake care