We would be here all day if I went through all the benefits and features if this amazing piece of software.
But, for time sake it’s an online sales funnel builder.
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So, What Does ClickFunnels Do?
ClickFunnels allows you to simply create sales funnels that guide your customers through steps of the funnels to ultimately buy your products and services.
“Quickly Create Beautiful Sales Funnels That Convert Your Visitors Into Leads And Then Customers…”
Basically, your pointing right towards the one product or service they need. See, with a traditional website your customer gets lost.
Have you ever “clicked” on a link or add just to be taken directly to a website? You’re lost. And that business probably spent a lot of money advertising their goods and services just to have people leave their website.
With a sales funnel, there is no guesswork. And as you take your visitor through these steps you have options to seel more and provide more value.
Whos’ ClickFunnels For?
Any business online or off needs two things to survive. More customers and more sales.
Clickfunnels is used by coaches, gyms, brick and mortar businesses, freelancers, consultants and more.
Choose Your FREE Case Study Here
- Just Getting Started
- Agency/Freelancer
- Info Products
- Ecommerce
- Coaching/Consulting
- Network Marketing
- Local Business
- B2B
- NonProfit
- Blogging
Video Transcript: What Does ClickFunnels Do?
hey and welcome today I'm gonna show youwhat does click funnels do and Iactually would ask the question whatdoesn't it do right so click funnelsguys if you're an internet marketeronline marketer if you have a offlinebusiness and you want to bring morepeople into your location right Dennisdr. Jim you name ityou need something to capture leads andto take them through the process righttake them through a sales funnel thedays of the website are slowly becomingobsolete nowlet me let me backtrack there you stillneed a website right you need a websiteto kind of have your about Us pagecontact usmaybe showcase your goods and servicesbut if you're looking to collect leadsand you're looking to take people upyour value ladder to ultimately makemore money you want to take them througha funnel and that is what click funnelsdoes so if you've ever been on Facebookor anywhere you click on an ad and itsays hey download my free ebook downloadyour free yoga class download half offteeth whitening they're taking youthrough a funnel and chances are otherusing click funnels they're not sendingyou to their website and making youfigure out where to get that discountthey're taking you through the processand that's what click funnels does nowclick funnels also guys you can buildmembership sites you can build onlinecourses there are people doinge-commerce on here you you can do justabout anything and everything it is mymain hub it runs my business nowI'm going to show you what the mainfocus is here and that is generatingleads right selling your goods andservices so when you go in to build afunnel it's going to give you threeoptions you have collect emails sellyour product or host a webinar that wasthe one thing I forgot to mentionthere's a webinar so a lot of peoplewebinars are huge obviously if you'refamiliar with Russell Bunsen russellbrunson and the perfect webinar scriptthis is a game-changer for a lot ofpeople here you can do webinars livewebinars you can do evergreen webinarsevergreen webinars where you've probablyseen webinars you signed up for them andthey're starting every hour on the hourso those are just pre-recorded webinarsnow most people are going to start herewith the collect email so I'm gonna dojust a quick test here and then I wouldgo to build a funnel and I'm not gonnaget into too much of the details hereguys but obviously this would beconnected to a domain that I use orwhatever and I have all these differentoptions I can do basic email collectionI can do sales page order forms you cando upsells and down cells here meaningif someone came in and bought yourproduct for ten dollars you could haveon the next page which is called aone-click upsell meaning they boughtyour ten dollar product so their creditcard information is already in there butbefore they check out you say hey clicksthis button once and add another fivetrinkets for twenty dollars or tendollars this is insane guys this willincrease your cart value big-time and itcould be used for everything it can beused you know I've seen people do it forcoaching hey one-hour coaching callhundred bucks and they they buy it andthen the next page will say hey wouldyou like to add one more hour for onlyblah blah blah it's a no-brainerokay so webinar membership site and soon so for this case we're gonna do abasic email opt-in now you get tons offree templates here guys you don't haveto do a thing right let's just use thisone this is a pretty straightforward andyou guys can look at all this absolutelyfree I'll put a link down below there'stons of free templates in here you canget free templates online which arecalled share funnels but you'll havemore than you need to get started hereso this here is my landing page okay soto collect leads so like I said beforemaybe I'm giving away this free ebookbut ultimately I want to get them intomy doors of my store or my office or Iwant to sell them my unlike product ormy course and I can go in here and I cansimply change this and put whateverimage I want right prettystraightforward I can go in here right Ican change this to whatever I want I canchange the color[Music]it's super super easy guysthis if I don't want their name I justwant the email I could just delete thatI can change the button if I don't likethe color of the buttonI mean fully fully customizable guysthis links directly to my email serviceprovider I go up to settingsintegrations and I just select my emailwhich is active campaign so when peopleenter their email here it'll actually gointo my email automation a you knowservice provider plus click funnels willstore the emails as well that is verycool and then all this stuff right if Idon't like any of this stuff I candelete it ok I can get rid of everythinghere I can add stuff here so you get thepicture right very very straightforwardbut where the magic happens is in thefunnel process so now most people whenthey build a funnel they're gonnathey're gonna say great thank you somuch you know we're all done whereaswith the power of click funnels I canadd multiple steps into my phone so Idon't want to just collect their email Ialso want to say I want to try and sellthem something right I've got theiremail already but I might want to sayhey while you're here and I can dragthis so when I drag this whoops where togo I drag this so when they enter I wantthem to go to my opt-in first then Iwant them to go here and then I wantthem to go tothe Thank You page makes senseso I'd go here and Papa sales let's seewho do like a sales page and this isgreat to like I like to use videos solet's see herehere we go this is perfect so somethinglike thisand this is where so many people aremissing it they do the opt-in into athank you when they already have theirattention here might as well try andsell them something or get some moreinformationso this is the funnel right top of thefunnel bottom of the funnel our goal isto get them go cold warm hot so look atthisso then what I would do is I would haveweight special one-time only offer youknow schedule a free coaching call withme or schedule a one-hour coaching callfor $39 or anything right and boomdownload now or maybe I'm offering theyordered the free ebook and I said heyI've got five other ebooks you may likedownload them now just $9.99 okay I meanthere's so many different options I'llshow you what this looks like liveokay and you could play the video videosstraight very very powerful so that's itguys and if they don't want it click nothanks and then when you click on thisit would just take them to the Thank Youpage you know would say hey no you knowthank you so much your ebooks on its wayso I hope that helps you guys that was apretty quick run-through I'll put a linkbelow if you guys want to tinker aroundwith clickfunnels you can try totallyfree guys for 14 days I hope you enjoyplease like subscribe and have a goodon