A sales funnel is a process of taking your potential or existing customers through a sales process.
Typically, you are dealing with a cold audience and you are moving them from warm to hot (buyer) by the time they leave the funnel.
Example; If you have ever downloaded an ebook or 50% off coupon online chances are you had to give an email address first.
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That’s called a “lead magnet” this is designed to get you into the top of the funnel. From there you will receive emails with some value and the occasional offer.
In the end it’s about building that know, like and trust factor.
So what is a sales funnel ClickFunnels?l.
Well, it’s everything we talked about above but laid out in a series of steps within a funnel.
ClickFunnels allows you to build funnels online without any tech or sales experience. Plus they have 100’s of drag and drop templates ready to go.
All these templates and more are free with a ClickFunnels account.
You can get a Free 14-Day Trial here and start working with these templates today!
Video Transcript: What is a sales funnel ClickFunnels?
llo and welcome to this video show youwhat is a sales funnel click funnels soclickfunnels is a tool that builds salesfunnels landing pages leadpages and asales funnel guys I'm going to show youhere if you look over here to the leftso now first of all don't get too caughtup in the design here I put thistogether so I could really tell youabout the concept of the sales funnelthe designs might be different but it'sthe same thing so when you look at afunnel right you're coming in the top ofthe funnel and then you're going off thebottom so the main difference betweenusing click funnels and your website iswhen you send people directly to yourwebsite it's almost like take it'salmost like standing on a street cornerand handing out a brochure right hey howyou doing come check us out hey how youdoing come check us out hey you don'tcome check us out and people are gonnado what they're gonna take that brochurethey're gonna look at it and say wowthis is a real pretty place bah bah bahboom that goes in the garbage you're notgiving them an action to take where it'sa sales funnel we're giving them inactionfor instance here we're saying give usyour email and we'll give you this bookor give us your email and we'll give youa free yoga class give us your emailwe'll give you a half off teethwhitening at our dentist and so on soyou're taking them through the processwhich is we're taking them from coldright there are cold audience they don'tknow anything about us and then we'retaking them from cold to warm to hot sowe're taking them down the levels of ourfunnel and ultimately when we get to thebottom maybe we've sold them somethinghere but if anything we've gotten theirinformation and we can sell to them onthe back end through our emails sothat's how this works what I would dothe way it works is this would be saythe top of the sales funnel and clickfunnels now I would use this link if Iwas on Facebook or Instagram or GoogleAds wherever I'd want hey guys check outour new e-book download it it's yoursabsolutely free so people come here theygive their name to give their email andthey go great thanks send me the bookthen since I've built it here on theback end of funnels I want to also tryand sell them something so the next stepin the funnel is a sale sales page nowhere I would offer them something youknow low entry pricing depending on whatyou're doing maybe it's a set anotherebook for seven bucks or maybe it's a Igave a one class freeand I want to say hey get get a get afive pack for 50 bucks or one-time offeror get two more classes for X amount sothat's kind of what we're doing herevideo is a great place this is a greatplace to add video hey thank you so muchyou are a free book is on its way whilewe have you here we'd love you know areyou interested or why we have you herewe have a great deal going on X Y & Zokay so what we're doing is here iswe're just trying to do like an upsellor trying to get them to at least coverour ad costs here and this is typicallysomething low $7 $20 $30 depending onyour market okay now when they've gonethrough their we're gonna try and hitthem one more time okay let me just showyou this real quickobviously they would go here they go totheir order page now when they go to theorder page I'm going to show yousomething cool here this is what'scalled an order bump so let's say theydecided yes we'll we'll take that greatdeal for $20 so they come in here theyfill out their information right 20bucks and then herewhere to go oh it wasn't on there let'ssee if I can had it hold on so this iscalled an order bump or what that outhere is good so I can just drag this inwhich is really cool now I can add heresomething different hey one-time offerwe got this great new gadget that'sgoing to complement your order it'sregular regular prices $20 get it rightnow for $10 so they've already put inall their information here they'veagreed to this price they put in theircredit card and they say yeah no yeahI'll take it it's kind of like when yougo to the grocery store and you've justspent five hundred bucks on crochets atCostco or Target wherever and then asyou're waiting to get your grocerieschecked out there's bubble gum andmagazines and candy and all kinds ofjust crap you probably don't need butit's there and you say yes I will takeit that's what this order bump is thisis a great way to make a little extramoney cover your ad costs right and thenyou also have one more way to get themon the way out the door and then I thinkof this when I'm at the grocery store ison the way out the doorthey try to get me to sign up for theirmembership program or something I don'tknowso this would be your very last offerhey before you go can we interest you inX Y & Z nowagain don't get too caught up on thatand what's on here I just want you tosee the sales funnel process what'sreally crucial to understand here guysis that this button here once they clickon this button it's going toautomatically add the items or theproduct or the service to their cart andit's going to automatically charge themthey don't have to put in anyinformation that's why this is sopowerful they just go yeah I'll take itclick boom done that's it becausethey've already put their money inhere so we already got their credit cardokay they don't have to do anything whenthey get here they just go click yeahI'll take it now this is obviously whenyou look at the process here right freeitem low low cost item right they placetheir order you get their credit cardmaybe you do another low cost on theorder bump and then you try and get themone more time so you know your marketand what to sell here I would definitelydo some searches for value letters andstuff like that and and how to pricethose things out because it all dependson your market and then lastly they goto the Thank You page which would saythank you so much your your trinkets andwhatnot are on the way so that is how todo sales funnel and click funnels guys Ihope you enjoyed that please likesubscribe also if you'd like to try thisout yourself you can get a totally free14-day trial I will put a link belowhave a good one