ClickFunnels was founded in 2014 and enables people to grow their online and offline companies through sales funnels.
The company is located in in Boise, Idaho and also has in office in Atalanta, Georgia.
So Who owns ClickFunnels?
The brainchild behind ClickFunnels is Russell Brunson. But, the company is co-owned by Russell and Todd Dickerson.
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Russell Brunson: Co-Founder
Russell is the CEO and Head Of Marketing.
Todd Dickerson: Co-Founder
Todd Dickerson is Lead Software Architect and Head of Technology located in Atlanta.
For more info on the rest of the team and the ClickFunnels story head over to their Team Page.
Video Trasncript: Who Owns ClickFunnels?
hello and in this video I am gonna talkto you about who owns clickfunnels so alot of people ask this and talk aboutthis and the big name you always hear ofcourse is Russell Brunson becauseRussell Brunson is definitely the brainsand the genius behind this and buildingthe software but he could not have doneit without Todd dickerson so RussellBrunson and Todd Dickerson are theco-founders of clickfunnels so Russellis basically the marketing genius behindeverything putting it together the ideasconcept and Todd Dickerson is thedeveloper designer and handles all thebackend so basically and and myunderstanding and from what I’ve learnedis that you know Russell approached Toddto help him build out this amazing toolcalled click funnels and I had thepleasure of hearing both of them speakat last year’s funnel hacking live andalthough you don’t hear about Todd asmuch he is definitely just as is just asimportant as Russell in this ondesigning the backend and making sure itdoes what Russell wants it to do sotogether they make an amazing teamrussell brunson being obviously themarketing genius behind it and Toddbeing the tech genius behind it thecompany we started back in 2013now it’s according to this you know theemployees are anywhere from 100 to 250and also they have a great affiliateprogram so you also have people whoaffiliate for click funnels and it’s ahuge affiliate program I myself in anaffiliate so a lot of people are makinga lot of money with the software as anaffiliate it also has end users as smallbusiness owners entrepreneurs people whosell courses memberships you name itthere but this is a great joy to thissite this is called CrunchBase just togive you guys kind of a basicunderstanding of what it is but you canalways go here CrunchBase clickfunnelsshows you kind of some basic informationbut Todd Dickerson russell brunson ToddDickerson are you two main people herecofounders there’s Toddand so if you want to learn more aboutthese guys you can simply google themand you’ll find tons of information ofcourse if you head over to click clickfunnels comm you can find out more aboutthem there as well thank you forwatching please like and subscribe havea great day