ClickFunnels two different “core” products the Start-Up plan and the Platinum plan.
Both provide you with everything you need to build funnels, landing pages, webinars, online courses and more.
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The main difference between the two is the Start-Up only comes with 20 funnels and 100 pages (pages/steps within a funnel) and the Platinum is unlimited.
The Platinum plan also comes with additional features to replace tools like an autoresponder. But, the functions are the same.
So How much does ClickFunnels cost per month?
The Start-Up Plan is $97 per month and the Platinum Plan is $297 per month.
You can try out the plans here with a free 14-day trial.
Video Transcript: How much does ClickFunnels cost per month?
how much does clickfunnels cost per month? so the clickfunnels pricing is prettystraightforward guys right now youcurrently have Weathers there's morethan two options but the the main entryoptions are the 97 month plans at 297 amonth plan and then they also have aplan where you can you can buyclickfunnelssome of the clickfunnels trainingprograms and basically that's more forlike businesses who want to get all inand that can range from about twothousand to five thousand dollars andyou get a free year with clickfunnelswith that and a bunch of other thingsbut for this purpose I want to talkabout the main software package which iseither the clickfunnels 97 plan which isthe startup plan or the clickfunnelsPlatinum they recently renamed that soit is the clickfunnels platinum plan Ibelieve it was the Edison suite beforebut it's still the same and they'veactually added to it so it's even betterand the main difference between the 97 amonth and the 2 97 a month is you onlyget 20 funnels with this plan and thenyou get unlimited with the Platinum youget 100 pages and then you get unlimitedwith this so depending on how you wantto use click funnels if you're an agencyyou're definitely gonna go with this soif you're gonna be building funnels forclients and they're gonna live andbreathe on your site you're gonna usethis and now don't quote me on this butI have a I believe that there is somecertain rules or laws in place withclick funnels so so don't quote me onthat double check word click funnels youknow I don't know that you can storepeople's I think they have to actuallyhave their own account which actually isbetter for you anyways because you getpaid for that but what's nice about thisplan especially for if you're looking topromote click funnels is you can dowhat's called share files so you cancreate unlimited funnels and have themall over the internet on your blog onYouTube Facebook for every differentindustry out there and when someoneclicks on it they can automaticallyupload it right to their accountor if they don't have an account it'llprompt them to start an account sothat's one of the main advantages ofthis I'm a one-man operation I've hadthe 97 plan for four month or for fouryears I use it to do lead generation fora few clients and then I use it you knowfor my own marketing purposes in myaffiliate marketing purposes so if Iever needed to go over 20 I would justhave a client paid for it that's just meand if I did this differently I wouldhave either gone with this option or Iwould have every client I signed on Iwould have had them get their ownclickfunnels account pages 100 now thisis one thing that adds up pretty quickso if you're building pretty detailedfunnels with multiple pages you'redefinitely going to want the unlimitedplan and then I'm not going to go intodetail down here below but these are themain things to think about 97 a month or297 a month guys the 97 a month plan isgreat to get started you can alwaysupgrade and like I said I've been usingthis for four years I've built tunnelsfor myself for clients I've never had aneed to go over 20 and if you ever doyou simply upgrade but it's a greatplace to start right here and if youthink $97 a month is expensive let metell you I thought the same thing atfirst it's not my clickfunnels accountpaid for itself within the first twoweeks I landed a client I startedgetting affiliate commissions I have yetto pay full price for itsince I purchased it maybe the firstmonth I paid out of pocket other thanthat it's covered every month by othermy clients or my affiliate earnings soit's absolutely amazing so that would bemy recommendation guys I will put a linkbelow obviously I am an affiliate forthem so if you do end up getting clickfunnels thank you I get a little pieceof that but another great thing I'lljust throw this in is that even ifyou're not a click funnels affiliate youcan still recommend click funnels topeople get paid for it you might as wellright so I hope you enjoyed that how tomake money with click funnels pleaselike subscribe and have a great day