As a digital marketer for over 5 years now I can honestly say Dave Sharpe has put together an amazing training. This is NOT a course. If you’re looking for a make money online course go hit up a “Guru”.
Legendary Marketer Training
This is a REAL online marketing and affiliate marketing business training. Just 20 minutes into the first day of the Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge I was pausing and taking notes.
Want To Start A Profitable Online Business But Don’t Know Where To Begin?
Access The 15-Day Online Business Challenge Here!
If you are looking to start an online business or affiliate marketing business I can’t recommend this enough.
Affiliate Marketer?
You’d be crazy not to have Legendary Marketer in your arsenal. This is High Ticket and Quality Digital Products with an amazing backend and support.
I decided to join the “Marketers Club” which is $30 a month. There is a ton of great training here. I’ve paid 3x more memberships and private groups don’t provide 1/2 the value.
Legendary Marketer has also put together an insane value ladder with payouts ranging from $18 (recurring) to as high as $10,000 (not reoccurring). So there’s a great opportunity for any affiliate marketer from beginner to advance to make some great money with a solid program .
Video Transcript: I Just Bought Legendary Marketer…Get My Honest Opinion Here
ey everybody how you doing this is JedI'll bring and welcome to my channel soI just started legendary marketer andthis is my honest review I have I'vebeen a digital marketer for about fouryears now and really focusing onaffiliate marketing for the past yearI'm a stay-at-home dad so this is how Iheard a little extra income and Istarted just give you little historyabout myself I started my first coupleyears in online marketing you know I waslooking for a way to make extra moneyfrom home basically you know I was doingI was driving uber literally drivinguber picking up people out at live inChicago going out at 4:00 a.m. to pickup Airport rides to make extra moneypicking up drunks downtown Chicago onthe weekends and it sucked it justsucked and I did lots of little laborjobs here and there trying to make someextra cash and it was just trading timefor money I got sick and tired of it soI really kind of dove deep into onlinemarketing and I just trained myself Ijust youtube videos articles I startedfollowing all the big guys and girls andand I just I found people that I trustright that I liked some some of themhave bought their courses some of them Iyou know just followed them and kind ofyou know tweaked what they had but I'vetaken a lot of courses spent severalthousand dollars I'm you know I'm a biguser of clickfunnels I've attendedfunnel hacking live I met a lot of greatpeople there some top earners some sevenfigure earners and mentored with themand really just just just got as muchknowledge as I possibly could so I'vereally debt you know really dug deepinto studying digital marketing andaffiliate marketing and following peopleagain that I know like and trust so alot of the courses I've taken I've metthese people and I've learned a lot fromthem so that's what brings me to thelegendary marketer the reason I havestarted legendary marketing I've justbegun the 15 day challenge and thereason I am starting to go throughlegendary marketer and and the reason Iwant to promote it is because I thereare a lot of people within the clickfunnels world thatthat again I know like and trust andagain some of these people who Ipurchased courses from who are startingto get involved with legendary marketerand they speak very highly of it so whenI see that in the Facebook groups andwhen I hear from other people heyso-and-so is is promoting legendarymarketer or promoting this then I startto do my research I look into it so it'sbeen a few months before I just gotstarted with this so I reached out toone of my my buddies that I know viaFacebook group and I said hey what'sgoing on with this legendary marketerthing and he really you know gave me thelowdown on itand I said you know what let's check itout and so so here we are so I onlypromote products as an affiliate that Iuse myself let me say that again I onlypromote stuff I use myself I do notthrow links out willy-nilly I have ablog with about 300 - a little over 250blog posts and videos on there and Ionly have about three products on thereI promote and that's clickfunnels that'smy active campaign because that's myautoresponder and then there's a couplecourses I promote on there that I that Itake but mainly my big focus is on likebuilding funnels telling your storygenerating leads all that kind of stuffand just building your brand and makingmoney online and and that even thoughyou know making money online is so hugeit's a big broad niche and a lot ofpeople are doing it you can still carveout your own little path so don't everthink you can't because you can so herewe are on the the backend dashboard thisis the 15 day challenge now I also startI also signed up for the marketer Proprogram which is 30 bucks a month butthe 15 day business challenge it used tobe free it's now seven dollars which ithink is great because it cuts out thosepeople that are serious and and thosethat are not if you can't fork over theprice of a Chipotle burrito right sevenbucks or whatever it is and take afifteen day challenge then you know it'sit's just not for you I mean go dosomething else right but I can tell youright away just from from I'm going onday three now the challenge I'll makeseparate videos for those this isabsolutely fantastic training I've donea lot of research into Davesharp and his background where he's comefrom we kind of have similar stories youknow which is you know kind of how Iconnect you know I connect with him as aperson I have not met him personally butI definitely have done my due diligenceand he is a smart smart guy he knowswhat he's talking about and they are bigon sales funnels and I'm a huge I'm afunnel hacker I love click funnels sothey talk a lot about click funnels inthis program a lot about sales funnelsand how to use them to make money onlineand especially with affiliate marketingso first and foremost it doesn't matterwhat kind of business you want to get inif you want to start selling stuffonline this is going to give you thetools and the resources to do it and for$7 guys to go through a 15 day challengeI mean the first 20 minutes of day one Iwas pausing and writing notes and I'vebeen doing this for four years so eventhough I started watching it you knowthere's a part of me that like I alreadyknow this stuff like I thought I was toocool for school and I don't I mean Iwill never stop learning and I will Iwill always continue to grow grow growbut there were some things I learnedjust within like sales funnels and howto look at things and how to positionthings and it's always good to kind ofget a different a different set of eyesso just off the bat I can tell you it'sbeen a phenomenal experience far worthmore than seven dollars so but the backend is absolutely gorgeous it'sbrilliant there are let me can show youhere so when you come into the challengeright they unlock the day's as you gothrough them so I can't get to theseextra days and again if I didn't say itbefore I will make individual videos onthe each day but the background is supereasy you got your challenge these arethe various products that they sell sowhat's really cool about legendarymarketer is it's an online trainingplatform there's a difference between acourse and training guys okay there arepeople who sell courses right they maybethey sell a Shopify course and they'regoing to show you the step by stephere's how you do your store and here'show you sell your trinkets and I'm notnot going to Shopify people but here'show you do it and great here's how youset your online store this is a trainingthis is a real online business trainingthis is going to teach you everythingyou need to knowto set up it's basically giving you theblueprint this is a 15 day blueprintright it's showing you how to set upyour systems how to shut up your setupyour sales funnels how to set up youremails so if you're not familiar withsetting up autoresponders how to createyour message in your story bait in howto build your brandI mean you will leave this 15-daychallenge ready to rock and roll and doa business so if you want to affiliateand promote other people's products wantto sell your own products you don't haveto promote legendary products which isreally cool thing they're not pushinglegendary legendary legendary they'regiving you the option on what you wantto do I think you'd be silly not topromote legendary products becausethey're fantastic from what I'm seeingso far I love itso so everything is great dashboardsgreat support it's great I've alreadyhad a one-on-one coaching call thecoaching call was with a gentleman namedAndre who's also a legendary marketeraffiliate and I had a chance to actuallywatch a video about his testimonial withthe legendary marketer so similar storyI think he was a stay-at-home dad so itwas really cool actually speaking to alive person he did not try to sell meone single thing on the phone he justasked me about me what were my expectyou know what was I looking to do wheream I now where do I want to be where wasi before and that was it I mean it waslike talking with a buddy who reallywanted to help me out so kudos tolegendary for that that was actually avery cool call and especially if you'rebrand new your conversation might be alittle different it could be talkingabout autoresponders it could be talkingabout sales funnels so they will helpyou get started along the way sodefinitely when you start the challengeschedule that phone call take them up onit make sure you accept the call rightbecause I don't think you get anotherchance schedule it show up for it it'snobody does this nowhere is somebodygoing to give you a free 15-minute phonecall do it now the back end right for anaffiliate I am an affiliate for them soyou do have to go through a little bitof a philia process which is a goodthing they actually you do have to likemost do now click funnels all those guysyou know the people who have reallyrobust affiliate systems they want toprove you and make sure you're seriousnow you don't have to if you're newto affiliate marketing you probably willhave to go through the 15 steps firstthere the 15 days but also if you camein say you signed up with somebody likeyou clicked on my link below and youstarted the 15 day challenge I have aseparate group that I help people whoare new write or experience a legendarymarketer I help them with things thatmaybe they can't get access to rightaway here like hey I'm stuck on thefunnel part or I'm stuck on theautoresponder part I'm stuck on theemail part in my group I'll go livewe'll talk about it I'll help you getall that stuff set up so for new peoplethey can say hey I'm working with Judd Iknow he's an affiliate and you knowmaybe they'll push you through theaffiliate process so it's it's nothingto fret I I did my affiliate process andit says 2 to 5 days I think I gotsomething back within like 20 minutesthat I was approved and I've also heardstories of people that are not approvedright awayonly because maybe they haven't finishedthe 15 day challenge or maybe they arenot connected with another legendarymarketer who's kind of mentoring them sokeep that in mindif you are new it's good to sign up withsomebody that has support I have supportand the Facebook group I'll give you allthat information if you did decide tosign up they'll probably be a link herebelow again it's 7 bucks you can't beatitso the affiliate dashboard guys your awallet setup they have pre-built funnelsfor you another super super cool thingif you're a funnel hacker you're a clickfunnels user you can actually put yourclick funnels ID affiliate ID in here soif somebody signs up for legendarymarket or from your link and then alsopurchases click funnels you get thecommission now I've never heard of thatbefore so if somebody downloads thefunnel from here it's attached to youraffiliate ID so not only are you gettingthe commission from legendary marker butyou're also getting the click funnelsaffiliate that's pretty darn cool andyou could do the same thing with yourautoresponder I believe they have Aweberget response in here I can't remember Iactually don't use Aweber but I have anaffiliate link for Aweber you can getone and you just plug it in there so nowsomebody download their downloads theirautoresponder you'll get credit for thatas well and they also give you I thinkit's like 45 days of emailsget started which is unheard of you canchoose to load your own emails or youcan choose to have them send the emailshow cool is that all your leads yourwhole back dashboard everything's onhere I don't have anything yet I'm justgetting started I've had quite a fewclicks which has been nice but I've onlystarted to think it's been two days soI'm not fully loaded and going but it'sit's really really fantastic dashboardis great you can see you know all yourreports you know so again 145 hits guysI've only been doing this for 48 hoursand that's just from from some you knowjust a couple little things I postedhere and they're just kind of testingthe waters I still want to get throughthe 15 days before I fully promote itthey have a leaderboard you can see allthe leaders Commission's custom funnelslet me show you this so I have themarketers Club which is just 30 bucks amonth and it's already it's already paidfor you know it's already worth itsweight in gold I mean there are tons andhours and hours of videos frommasterminds videos on help with so justeach within each of these differentthings are like this has 44 videos youknow 2500 90 minutes so just thistraining alone write compelling copyFacebook ads case studies 21 reasonspeople buy how to set up bridge pages alot of this stuff I thought I'd knew andI really didn't like I'm I'm learning aton so again it doesn't matter if you'rea beginner amid or seasoned marketer youwill learn something from this andthey're really passionate aboutsupporting you as an affiliate andsupporting you as a business ownersomeone who wants to start a new onlinebusiness and it's it's fantastic allaround so I highly recommend you get inhere like I said guys you can getstarted with a challenge for seven bucksI'll put the link below everything isgreat about it right now I really don'thave any cons because I'm so so new toit you know if if there was a con itwould be there is a lot of informationin here so ifbrand-new you know you have to trust theprocess and understand that you don'tmake money overnight this is not getrich quick this is building a businessthis is actual learning and and sothat's that's the one thing is you mightbe overwhelmed at first but trust itright trust the process follow the stepsI mean it's a no-brainer start from dayone do what they tell you to do andyou're gonna have success and andresults may vary as they say right so Ihighly recommend get in here againeverything so far is great support isgreat a fantastic back-end simple signupprocess they have tons of other productsthat you can choose from they have youknow products that range from sevendollars to get started and then theladder goes as high as I believe it'slike thirty thousand for like more oflike an inner circle type stuff and thenthey have so as an affiliate this ishigh ticket stuff where you can make athousand dollars you come out or box toa thousand dollars more per sale so thisis a serious if your affiliate marketeryou're looking for a program that has akiller back end and support foraffiliates this is it and a killer backend with a serious value ladder whereyou can make some serious money you canand if you're a new person looking tostart an online business this is a greatplace to start you're a new person thatwants to get started with affiliatemarketing this is a great place to startbecause affiliate marketing for me islike the foundation for any successfuldigital marketing business you learneverything in the affiliate process andyou don't have to own any product youdon't have to to deal with customers andphone calls like if you're doing thatagency model I used to do the agencymodel it sucked right I get phone callsand emails and Sunday nights and peoplenot happy with their ads or whatever socheck it out guys I'll put a link belowplease thumbs up like subscribe all thatgood stuff and thanks for watching